"I..." Zhang Qingshan took a breath, "Mr. Jiang, if this money-burning war continues, our Xingmeiken may be directly distributed. The stock price of China Film Xingmei in the stock market has ushered in A new round of big diving..."

"Diving is good!" Jiang Dong's eyes flashed for a moment, and he quickly sent Xia Xue a prestige message, "Integrate your financial team immediately, and start buying the outstanding shares of China Film Xingmei, and collect as much as you can!"

Weixin sent it over, and Jiang Dong immediately transferred 500 million funds to Xia Xue.

Taking advantage of the sharp plunge in the stock price of China Film Xingmei, Jiang Dong decided to take over all the shares in circulation. At that time, if he casually buys the shares in the hands of a few small shareholders, won't he be able to suppress Jin Dongxu and become the largest shareholder of Xingmei?

This is a great opportunity!

Xia Xue quickly sent back the prestige news, but the content was very simple, only an "ok" gesture.

"Mr. Jiang, are we going to take action on China Film Xingmei's equity?" Zhang Qingshan on the side was not calm, and his whole person suddenly changed from a decadent state to an excited state.

"Inevitable!" Jiang Dong said calmly: "My goal is to control all the shares of Xingmei, and then bring Xingmei back to the top ten, preferably the top three!"

"Mr. Jiang!" Zhang Qingshan clenched his fists tightly, and he could clearly feel that the blood in his body was boiling at this moment, "What can I do?"

"I don't have any tasks for you for the time being, just keep the eight theaters in the magical city of Xingmei well. The money I gave you is enough to pay for ten days and a half months. Burn it first!" After Jiang Dong finished speaking, he paused again. Paused, as if calculating something, "Also, book me some air tickets to Longjing."

"Go to Longjing!" Zhang Qingshan immediately understood that Jiang Dong was planning to go to Longjing to confront Jin Dongxu head-on, "When are we going? How many people are going?"

"Tomorrow, only Aqiang and I can go there." Jiang Dong thought for a moment, then calculated the day before giving Zhang Qingshan an answer.

This time I went to Longjing, on the one hand, because I wanted to have a fight with Jin Dongxu, on the other hand, Jiang Dong wanted to settle Ning Siqi's matter.

Jiang Dong can feel that Ning Siqi very much hopes to study at Longguo Aviation University in Longjing. desire!

"Okay! I'll book a plane ticket for Mr. Jiang right now!" Zhang Qingshan wrote down Jiang Dong's request on his phone, "What else can Mr. Jiang ask for?"

"The undercover agents of those branches all over the country, you can contact them. Except for Tao Yong, tell me about the other six. I plan to buy the shares held by their bosses, and let them take advantage of Xingmei's stock price to plummet. Let the air blow, and for specific operations, go to Xia Xue, the president of Dongfang Group."

"Understood!" Zhang Qingshan has already understood Jiangdong's routine. This is to get a certain degree of equity before going to Longjing, and then go directly to Longjing China Film Star Beauty headquarters to force the palace. In other words, Jiangdong intends to In a short period of time, China Film Xingmei is completely in your own hands!

Jiang Dong's arrogance infected Zhang Qingshan, even though he hadn't slept for a long time, Zhang Qingshan still felt motivated!

"Okay, let's talk about the Qin family." Jiang Dong walked out while talking.

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