Don't kill Lin Zhong?

But Jiang Dong's "this one" made him more painful than killing Lin Zhong!

And what about Jiang Dong, who is the person involved?

As if nothing happened, he sat back on the grand teacher's chair generously, and even signaled Dao Scar not to be impulsive, and stood back behind him.

The calmer Jiang Dong was, the more embarrassing everyone in the Lin family felt.

How can Lin Zhong say that he is also a direct descendant of the Lin family, so he was abolished by Jiangdong in front of a group of leaders of the Lin family in Lin's old house?

Lin's group is not short of money, property, status and women, what they value most is face.

But if this matter gets out, not only will their face be lost, but Lin's face will also be lost!

Some of the leaders of the Lin family who previously advocated maintaining the alliance with Jiangdong have begun to glare at Jiangdong!

"Jiangdong! Is it too much?"

"You are ruthless!"

"You didn't take our Lin family seriously at all, did you?"

Some leaders of the Lin family who were dissatisfied with Jiang Dong began to mock Jiang Dong.

Jiang Dong completely dismissed the mocking voices around him. In Jiang Dong's eyes, Lin Zhenhai was the only one who was qualified to talk to him!

However, from the beginning to the end, the head of the Lin family, Lin Zhenhai, didn't speak. He just frowned and stared at Jiangdong with a bad expression.

"The matter is over, I should go too." Seeing that Lin Zhenhai had no intention of speaking, Jiang Dong got up and wanted to leave.

In fact, Jiang Dong originally planned to chat with Lin Zhenhai about the key, but Lin Zhenhai didn't open his mouth. Even if his grandson Lin Zhong was abolished, he could bear it. Jiang Dong felt that there was nothing wrong with him. It's worth the news, it's better to leave and prepare to go to Longjing tomorrow.

Under the unkind eyes of everyone, Jiang Dong slowly walked towards the entrance of the hall, but Lin Zhenhai still didn't intend to speak.

"Old fox, let me see how long you can endure! Without you, I can still ask that noble uncle, I don't believe that Lin Yi won't come after me?" Jiang Dong murmured secretly in his heart.

Lin Zhenhai's endurance was beyond Jiang Dong's expectations. One thing to say, Jiang Dong still admires Lin Zhenhai. At least he can swallow this breath for the sake of the overall situation, which is something ordinary people can't do.

However, Jiangdong now hopes that Lin Zhenhai can hold his breath...

It's a pity that there is always a discrepancy between facts and ideas. When Jiang Dong walked out of the old house, Lin Zhenhai didn't call to stop Jiang Dong, but Lin Yi, as Jiang Dong expected, chased him out of the old house.

"Brother Jiang..." Lin Yi's face was very complicated, but he didn't have the sadness that occurred after his cousin was deposed. It seems that Lin Yi and Lin Zhong are not in harmony?

"What's the matter?" Jiang Dong stopped and turned around, looking at Lin Yi with a smile.

"Brother Jiang is satisfied with today's matter?" Lin Yi asked tentatively.

"Satisfied." Jiang Dong nodded, and added: "Also, Lin Zhong's father and son had better not mess with me, otherwise I don't mind killing them!"

"I will pass this on to Grandpa." After Lin Yi finished speaking, he took a deep breath, changed the front, and said in a relatively relaxed tone: "Brother Jiang, aside from business matters, I now use I came to chat with you as brother Susu..."

"Then what do you want to talk about?" Jiang Dong asked casually.

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