"You are so kind!" Lin Yi gave Jiang Dong a thumbs up, "You are the only person I have ever seen who dares to disrespect Grandpa, who dares not to take Lin's eyes so seriously, this Lin Zhong The news will definitely spread, but it is limited to the circle of the six major families, and by then, you will definitely become the most shining star in the capital!"

"Could it be, am I not now?" Jiang Dong raised half of his mouth.

"Yes! It must be!" Lin Yi made no secret of his admiration for Jiang Dong, "You have driven the Qin family to a dead end. You have actually attracted the attention of the old men of the six major families. The reason why grandpa didn't move today You, the reason why those shareholders did not dare to offend you too much is entirely because of your energy!"

In the eyes of capitalists, any grievances are less important than benefits, and the Lin family is the capitalists of the capitalists. In comparison, Lin Tianyu is a bit childish.

"Do you want to use me to change the pattern of the magic capital?" Jiang Dong joked.

"Don't make it so ugly." Lin Yi said with a smile as he sent Jiang Dong off: "Even if our Lin family didn't reach an alliance with you, wouldn't you not move the six major families? Based on what I know about you, the Qin family is only It is the first target, in the future, you will still attack the Du family, right?"

"If the Lin family offends me again, I don't mind going to war with the Lin family." Today, Jiang Dong thoroughly explained the state of "I don't know what modesty is." ah?

Lin Yi took a deep look at Jiang Dong, and suddenly lowered his voice, "If you can maintain this strong state, Lin will never go to war with you, but based on what I know about Lin Tianyu, once you lose power one day, he will He will definitely be the first mad dog to rush up and bite you!"

"What about you?" Jiang Dong looked at Lin Yi playfully.

There is one thing to say, Jiang Dong is really reluctant to turn against Lin Yi, mainly because Yi Tong and Lin Su are best friends, and Lin Yi is Lin Su's eldest brother. Lin Yi, a partner who upholds the golden mean, still has a good impression.

"If it's for Lin, I will be your enemy when you lose power, but from a personal point of view, I will never be your enemy in this life, so..." Lin Yi said seriously: "If you On the day when I really lose power, I hope that I have become the leader of the Lin family, and in this case, it will be good for me and you."

"Hehe!" Jiang Dong narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with deep meaning: "I used to think that you were a person who adhered to the golden mean, but now it seems that I was wrong. It is not accidental that you can become the heir of the Lin family. , and definitely not because of the eldest son of the house, you are a more cold-blooded capitalist!"

"Brother Jiang, you are too serious." Lin Yi also smiled.

Conversations between smart people don't need too much explicitness, and often a few words can cut through the skin and see the essence of the matter.

"By the way, where is Uncle Gui?" Jiang Dong didn't continue to entangle with Lin Yi, but asked him the most concerned question, which was also the most important question when he came to Lin's old house tonight.

"Uncle Gui just left, and went to another place to perform a mission." Lin Yi seemed to see through Jiang Dong's mind, "I know what you want to ask, and when Uncle Gui comes back, I will contact you immediately."

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