"???" Jiang Dong looked at the headmaster's fat and oily cheeks with question marks all over his head, it was ridiculous to the extreme, his every movement would cause the fat to tremble slightly, it looked like... walking Meatballs!

With such a funny face, Jiang Dong didn't want to laugh at all.

Don't ask indiscriminately, don't distinguish between right and wrong, just convict Jiang Dong and Ling Xiaoxiao?

Isn't this riding a horse too much?

"Why do you just make a conclusion for us?" Ling Xiaoxiao argued unconvinced.

The principal raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at Ling Xiaoxiao coldly, and then quickly lowered his head, "I know what happened, are you the girl who was beaten? I will give you 10,000 yuan for medical expenses, go back to class !"

"It's too much!" Ling Xiaoxiao exploded, "Is this the way your school leaders handle things? Don't ask right from wrong, don't distinguish between black and white, and make conclusions at will? Give me 10,000 yuan? Do you think 10,000 yuan? Can anything be resolved?"

With the increase of Ling Xiaoxiao's voice, the principal finally put down the document in his hand, raised his head, and looked at Ling Xiaoxiao and Jiang Dong squarely. Of course, he still didn't pay attention to Jiang Dong, the beater, and focused his attention on Ling Xiaoxiao's body.

After looking at Ling Xiaoxiao for a while, the principal suddenly sneered, "Then what do you want? Do you want a hundred thousand?"

"It's not about money. No matter how much money you give me, it's useless. What I want is justice!" Ling Xiaoxiao responded neither humble nor overbearing: "Didn't you say you want to call the police? Okay! Then call the police!"

"I don't know how to flatter you!" The principal gave Ling Xiaoxiao a cold look, "Which department and class do you belong to? I'll make an announcement now, and you've been expelled!"

"If you fire, I will fire, I..." Ling Xiaoxiao was so angry, she was obviously the victim, but in the end she became the party who took all the responsibility. Could it be that the status of "foreigner" can really become the gold medal for avoiding death?

Here, Ling Xiaoxiao hadn't spoken yet, but Jiang Dong spoke over there.

"Don't you ask whether it's right or wrong? You say you know what happened, but I don't think you know!" Jiang Dong's voice was indifferent, even mixed with a trace of killing intent, but having said that, he still recognized Ling Xiaoxiao very much Yes, at least she is a good girl with backbone.

Jiang Dong doesn't know why, his personality has become more and more violent recently, especially the principal's masterful manipulation, which directly gave birth to the murderous thoughts in Jiang Dong's heart!

If he was in Shanghai, Jiangdong would definitely let the rich man do him. This kind of scum would be a disaster if he stayed in the world, especially a big moth like him in a high position!

"Which department and class are you in?" The principal glared at Jiang Dong, his words full of displeasure.

"I'm not from your school." Jiang Dong said calmly.

"Not from our school, how dare you come to our school to beat someone? Are you beating a foreign student? Are you brave?" The principal was furious, stood up from his chair, and shouted at the security captain: "Call the police! Call the police immediately!"

"I'm going to call the police!" The security captain immediately knelt and licked.

At this moment, Jiang Dong's cell phone rang suddenly.

Too lazy to respond to the headmaster's murderous gaze, Jiang Dong answered it on his own.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm Hao Jun. I've arrived at Longguo Aviation University. Where are you now?" Hao Jun's anxious voice came from Jiang Dong's phone.

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