Jiang Dong: "I'm in the principal's office."

"Principal's office? Does Mr. Jiang know Principal Fei?" Hao Jun was a little surprised.

"I don't know this kind of scum." Jiang Dong curled his lips in disdain.

Hao Jun is a smart person. When he heard Jiang Dong's words, he immediately understood the reason and shouted repeatedly: "Mr. Jiang, I will go to the principal's office right away!"

Hao Jun hung up the phone in a hurry, and called Fat Principal Fei instead...

In the principal's office.

Although Jiang Dong didn't call Principal Fei a trash by name just now, Principal Fei could tell that the young man in front of him was targeting him.

Immediately, Principal Fei became angry!

"What do you think is a thing? You dare to call me a waste?" Principal Fei pointed at Jiang Dong and cursed, "I think you don't want to!"

Principal Fei is a man of great power in the Aviation Academy, not to mention scolding him, not even anyone who said "no" to him!

But now, being scolded as a scum by a student from another school who committed a crime in front of his subordinates, Principal Fei didn't have such a good recuperation.

As a senior licking dog, the security captain immediately jumped out, pointed at Jiang Dong and sneered, "Dare to scold the principal? Are you bored of life? Brothers, don't be dazed, let's do it." !"

When the security captain gave an order, the group of security guards immediately surrounded Jiangdong.

At this moment, Principal Fei's phone rang.

Principal Fei glanced at the number displayed on the phone, took a few deep breaths to suppress the anger in his heart, and then squeezed out a smile, as if the caller was standing in front of him, " President Hao, I finally got your call..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" The person on the other end of the phone was Hao Jun, "My surname is Fei, let me ask you, is there a young man named Jiang Dong in the principal's office? Besides, I heard Mr. Jiang's tone as if There is still a holiday with you, isn't it?"

Hao Jun's tone and attitude seemed to have taken gunpowder, and Principal Fei couldn't help shivering, "President Hao, I don't have the surname Jiang here..."

Just halfway through the conversation, Principal Fei was dumbfounded, and stared straight at Jiangdong who was surrounded by security guards.

Principal Fei finally remembered, didn't this young man also receive a call just now?

"Stop!" Principal Fei didn't have time to explain to Hao Jun, he hung up the phone and yelled at the group of security guards in a panic.

"Principal! What are your orders?" The security captain immediately waved his hand to stop his subordinates from moving further, then nodded and bowed and said to Principal Fei.

Principal Fei ignored the security captain, walked out of the executive desk, walked cautiously to Jiang Dong, and asked tentatively, "Your surname is Jiang?"

"Is there a problem?" Jiang Dong gave Principal Fei a playful look.

Undoubtedly, Jiang Dong had already guessed who called Principal Fei on the phone call just now.

It's just that Jiang Dong didn't expect that Hao Jun, who came here by mistake, would have such an interesting relationship with Principal Fei?

The reason why Jiang Dong brought Hao Jun here was entirely because he wanted Hao Jun to be his witness, otherwise Jiang Dong would directly jump out and say that he is Shenhao, who would believe it?

If Hao Jun had assured him that Jiang Dong said he was Shenhao, someone would believe him.

"Oh! Mr. Jiang! It's all a misunderstanding!" Principal Fei got the answer he wanted, and immediately shouted at the group of security guards: "What are you doing? How can you be rude to Mr. Jiang? Get out of here! "

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