"Please!" Jiang Dong didn't take Jin Dongxu's words seriously at all, and even raised his hand, indicating that Jin Dongxu could perform.

"You will regret it!" Jin Dongxu directly dialed the number of the third largest shareholder, "Remember, you played yourself to death this time!"

When Jin Dongxu's voice fell to the ground, the phone was connected, and Jin Dongxu specially turned on the external speaker.

"Old Jin, what's the situation?" A pleasant male voice came out from the phone.

"Old Kong, I'm holding a board meeting at the Longjing headquarters, and Jiang Dong is also present, and he just admitted that he is behind the scenes and maliciously manipulated the stock price of the movie star in the air!" Jin Dongxu roared vigorously: "I need you and The major shareholder cooperated with me, and we jointly initiated a lawsuit against the China Securities Regulatory Commission, requesting relevant departments to intervene in the investigation, and hold Jiangdong legally accountable!"

"There is such a thing?" The third largest shareholder on the other end of the phone was a little confused, but he quickly reacted, "However, Lao Jin, China Film Xingmei has nothing to do with me..."

"What do you mean?" Jin Dongxu was confused, and an ominous premonition rose from the bottom of his heart instantly.

"What I mean is, my equity, including Lao Zhao and his group, has a total of six areas, and the equity has all been acquired by Mr. Jiang Dongjiang!"

"500 million in cash, about 15% of the equity, Mr. Jiang is really rich!"

"Mr. Jiang is now the largest shareholder of China Film Xingmei. I am convinced that I lost this battle. I am definitely incomparable with Mr. Jiang!"

After saying this, the third largest shareholder, Lao Kong, laughed at himself, and then hung up the phone.

Didi Didi...

The busy tone of the phone echoed throughout the conference room.

Everyone subconsciously closed their mouths, even held their breath, and stared at Jiang Dong with dull eyes...

Six people including the third largest shareholder located in Dongguang Province, with a total of 15% of the equity, have now fallen into the hands of Jiang Dong, and his personal equity has accounted for as much as 40% of China Film Xingmei!

You know, this does not include the tradable shares that have not yet been calculated. It is roughly estimated that Jiang Dong's equity in China Film Xingmei definitely exceeds 50%!

According to the measurement standard of a joint-stock listed company, Jiang Dong has reached the level of absolute control over China Film Xingmei!

In an instant, China Film Xingmei changed hands, and it was such an earthquake-level change of hands!

"Well, am I qualified to sit in this position now?" Jiang Dong patted the chair in front of him with a smile, and looked around at the people sitting around the conference table.

"Mr. Jiang was joking!"

"Mr. Jiang, please sit down!"

"Only you are qualified to sit in this seat!"

"Please take care of Mr. Jiang in the future!"

"Mr. Jiang is young and promising, he is simply a miracle in the business world of Longguo!"

The small shareholders and executives around the oval conference table tried their best to attack Jiangdong with rainbow farts.

On the contrary, Jin Dongxu, who was like the stars and the moon before, has become the object of everyone's eyes...

"Jiangdong!" Jin Dongxu gritted his teeth and stared at Jiangdong, "Even if you are the largest shareholder of China Film Xingmei, so what? Do you think you can crush me to death? I still have a trump card!"

"Assassin's mace?" Jiang Dong took the main seat and looked at Jin Dongxu calmly, "Then use it, let us all see your assassin's mace!"

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