"Hmph!" Jin Dongxu sneered, "Even if you are the largest shareholder of China Film Xingmei, am I still the second largest shareholder of China Film Xingmei? As long as I send you to the bitter kiln, I, Jin Dongxu, will still be The largest shareholder of China Film Xingmei! Jiang Dong, don't be complacent, I have your criminal evidence..."

Jin Dongxu's words immediately attracted everyone's attention, especially the last four words, which swelled everyone's curiosity to an extreme!

"Tao Yong! It's up to you to show!" The atmosphere was almost ready, and Jin Dongxu immediately shouted at Tao Yong in the corner: "Take out the evidence from the bottom of your box!"

"Okay, Mr. Jin, as you wish." Tao Yong stood up slowly, without further ado, walked directly to the direction of the large LED screen in the room, took out his mobile phone, and started to tinker.

"Jiangdong, Tao Yong is from Xingmei, the capital of magic. He abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, and joined me under my command. I value him very much..." Jin Dongxu sneered at Jiangdong, "He has the video of your crime in his hands." , Tao Yong didn’t even show me that video, now, I’ll use this video to send you to the bitter kiln!”

What Jin Dongxu said shocked everyone, especially Tian Yuhao, who even clenched his fists subconsciously!

"Jin Dongxu has evidence of Jiangdong's crime? Will Jiangdong be so careless? If what Jin Dongxu said is true, then Jiangdong will be completely finished!" Tian Yuhao kept muttering in his heart.

Until now, he hadn't figured out who would win the battle between Jin Dongxu and Jiang Dong...

clap clap...

A burst of gentle applause interrupted everyone's thoughts.

"Awesome!" Jiang Dong raised his hands and slowly applauded Jin Dongxu's remarks, "Chairman Jin planned ahead and turned against the people around me, but Tao Yong, a white-eyed wolf, has grasped the ability to set me up. The evidence of death, you say, is this too coincidental?"

"Huh?" Jin Dongxu froze in place after hearing Jiang Dong's words. He thought something would happen, but Jin Dongxu didn't know what would happen.

"Everyone!" At this moment, Tao Yong's voice rang out in the meeting room, and everyone's attention was drawn to Tao Yong in an instant, "Please see the trump card I prepared for Chairman Jin Dongxu..."

Tao Yong grinned, and lightly tapped the play button on his phone. Immediately after that, a man and a woman appeared on the large LED screen, engaged in the most primitive hand-to-hand combat, and the battle was very fierce, even after three hundred rounds. The kind that will definitely make everyone's mouth dry and their blood boil!

"This man...isn't Chairman Jin?" I don't know who is so closed-eyed. He doesn't watch good movies, but he has to talk, just talk, and he has to involve Jin Dongxu, who is sensitive.

As soon as the voice fell to the ground, everyone recovered from the shock and enthusiasm. After carefully watching the male lead in the movie, it turned out to be Jin Dongxu!

The only difference is that at this time, Jin Dongxu looks like a dog in a suit and leather shoes, while on the big screen, Jin Dongxu is naked, like a beast...

"Isn't that woman Xu Shanshan, the manager of the purchasing department?"

"Lying grass! Really!"

The screams of the crowd were not over yet, the picture on the big screen suddenly changed, and the scene changed from a certain room in the hotel to an extremely luxuriously decorated office. The content was the same as before, including the male lead, except that the female lead The protagonist was replaced by an enchanting woman in an OL skirt with black silk high heels...

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