Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1121 Tian Yuhao's Love Story (Part 2)

"No problem!" Qiao Yuan is very talkative and has a good personality. He belongs to the mature type of dandy, and led Jiang Dong to the wooden chair under the parasol. Qiao Yuan asked thoughtfully: "Brother Dong, drink order what?"

Jiang Dong: "Whatever!"

"That's fine! Lao Meng, make two glasses of Flame Mountain!" Qiao Yuan naturally yelled at the water bar not far away.

"Okay! Mr. Qiao!" The middle-aged man named Lao Meng behind the water bar responded enthusiastically. It seems that Qiao Yuan is definitely a frequent visitor here and knows everyone very well.

Soon, Lao Meng brought up twice the Flame Mountain. Rather than saying it was the Flame Mountain, it was actually two cups of freshly squeezed orange juice with a circle of red ice cream on it... One thing to say, it really looks like the Flame Mountain!

"How is it? Brother Dong? Are you scared by the Flame Mountain? Actually, I was also scared when I first came here! Hahaha!" Qiao Yuan ate the ice cream, "Brother Hao and I actually passed my sister We know each other, Brother Hao and my sister are classmates, both graduated from the School of Economics of Longguo Renmin University."

"Because I like playing with cars very much. When I finished my college entrance examination last year, my sister brought me to the Tiandi Circuit. I fell in love with this place instantly. I spent almost every day here except at school and at home. This is sleeping!"

"Anyway, this is Brother Hao's place, and the family is at ease, so they don't care about me too much. The school has started, and I haven't been to school this semester yet!"

After finishing speaking, Qiao Yuan couldn't help but smirked, "If you let me know, brother Hao will probably suffer!"

"Tian Yuhao is afraid of your sister?" Jiang Dong asked curiously.

"Brother Dong, don't you know?" Qiao Yuan gave Jiang Dong a weird look, "Brother Hao has been chasing my sister for five or six years, and he has been chasing my sister since she was in college."

"I really don't know about this..." Jiang Dong blinked dryly.

No wonder this kid Tian Yuhao said before that he only likes playing basketball and racing cars, but he didn't even mention women. It turns out that he has a dedicated and dedicated heart, which is rare!

"Brother Hao must be embarrassed to tell you. After all, Brother Hao, a man of the capital circle, has been rejected by my sister for five or six years. It must be embarrassing to say it!" Qiao Yuan laughed badly. .

"Then do you know that Tian Yuhao almost went on a blind date in the capital?" Jiang Dong also showed a smirk, intending to give Tian Yuhao a hand.

"I know!" Qiao Yuan said calmly, "Isn't it because of my sister that Brother Hao put off the blind date!"

"That's it..." Jiang Dong's heart is not dead, "Then do you know that the person I'm waiting for is your brother Hao's blind date?"

"That Lin Su from the Lin family in the magical capital?" Qiao Yuan spit out subconsciously.

"Oh? You even know Lin Su's name?" This time it was Jiang Dong's turn to be surprised.

"It's necessary! My sister sent me to find out, and I told my sister about this name!" Qiao Yuan said proudly, as if he could find out Tian Yuhao's blind date, which is a very good thing. things like that.

After listening to Qiao Yuan's words, Jiang Dong suddenly realized that Qiao Yuan's sister must also be interested in Tian Yuhao, but for some reason, she never accepted Tian Yuhao!

There is one thing to say, Jiang Dong has a very good impression of Tian Yuhao, a man of the capital circle, has been doing business for Jiang Dong these two days, and even rides a horse as a driver, which is definitely very good for a proud young man standing on the top of the pyramid Rare thing.

Therefore, Jiang Dong plans to help Tian Yuhao...

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