Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1122 The young master of the Bai family, Bai Ziyu

"Qiao Yuan!" Jiang Dong casually asked Qiao Yuan while tasting the Flame Mountain: "What's the matter with your sister and Tian Yuhao? I think they should be interesting to each other, right?"

"Who says it's not?" Qiao Yuan was also at a loss, "Actually, Brother Hao is my brother-in-law, I am very willing, at least I think that among the people in the Beijing circle, only Brother Hao is worthy of my sister! "

"You don't know either?" Jiang Dong blinked, it seems that this matter is not easy to handle?

"Brother Dong, you can ask Brother Hao directly, I have never seen Brother Hao be so polite to anyone!" Qiao Yuan said truthfully: "If you ask Brother Hao, Brother Hao will definitely tell you!"

"I'll ask him sometime..." Jiang Dong nodded thoughtfully.

Here, Jiang Dong and Qiao Yuan chatted very well. Over there, several young men and women passed through the corridor and entered the track area of ​​the racing track.

The visitors were two men and three women, Lin Su, Yi Tong, Xu Mengmeng, Xu Yangguang, and a tall, tall, handsome young man with an extraordinary demeanor...

"Jiangdong!" Lin Su saw Jiangdong as soon as he entered the track area.

Lin Su's voice immediately attracted everyone's attention to Jiang Dong.

Xu Yangguang and others naturally ran towards Jiangdong immediately, while the handsome young man narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Jiangdong with a very unfriendly gaze...

On the other side, Qiao Yuan frowned subconsciously when he saw the handsome young man, and whispered to Jiang Dong, "Brother Dong, be careful, that guy looks at you with hostility!"

"You can see that too? Not bad! Young man!" Jiang Dong looked at Qiao Yuan quite unexpectedly.

"His name is Bai Ziyu, and he is the young master of the Bai family in Longjing. This guy is a wolf in human skin. His biggest characteristic is his good sex. His reputation in the Beijing circle is terrible!" Qiao Yuan said angrily.

"Really?" Jiang Dong raised the corner of his mouth without warning. It seemed that he had already guessed why Lin Su insisted that he come to the Tiandi Circuit, and even said that he would regret his whole life if he didn't come.

"Okay, Brother Dong, your friend is here, so I won't get in the way here, call me if there is a situation!" Qiao Yuan stood up tactfully, intending to give up his seat to Xu Yangguang who came running from a distance After several people gave Jiang Dong another order, he returned to his circle.

"Brother Dong! I miss you so much!" Xu Yangguang gave Jiang Dong a big hug as if no one was watching.

"Is it disgusting?" Jiang Dong pushed Xu Yangguang away.

"You don't know, Brother Dong, I have been bullied so much during your absence!" Xu Yangguang whispered in Jiang Dong's ear, "The guy behind has embarrassed me several times, so I will bear it, but After that guy saw Yi Tong in Silitun last night, he had a bad idea, Brother Dong, this is unbearable!"

"Sure enough..." Jiang Dong understood in an instant, he already knew what Lin Su was planning, "Forget it, then I'll be a gun!"

"What gun? Brother Dong, what are you talking about?" Xu Yangguang didn't realize what Jiang Dong wanted to express for a while, but just looked at Jiang Dong in a daze.

"It's okay, I'll treat you to a good show later!" Jiang Dong smiled sinisterly at Xu Yangguang.

"With Brother Dong's words, I feel relieved!" Xu Yangguang smiled knowingly.

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