"Stinky boy, just say it if you want to play." Jiang Dong knew Xu Yangguang too well, this guy just wanted to drive around the track for a few laps.

However, having said that, neither Jiang Dong nor everyone took Yi Tong's episode seriously.

Because everyone's subconscious mind has already determined that Yi Tong will definitely be with Jiang Dong in the end.

This point, even Jiang Dong himself thinks so!

But in fact, it is not...

"This classmate, take your girlfriend to the garage to choose a car. All the expenses for today will be on me!" Tian Yuhao patted his chest generously and shouted, "Huo Zhen, take them to get acquainted site!"

"Okay! Young Master Tian!" Huo Zhen responded to Tian Yuhao, then cupped his fists respectfully towards Jiang Dong and said, "Mr. Jiang, shall I go down first?"

"Go!" Jiang Dong waved his hand, and then Huo Zhen took the cheerful Xu Yangguang and Xu Mengmeng to choose a car and prepare to get off the track.

After the few people left, Jiang Dong sat on the previous chair, and while eating the unfinished Flame Mountain, he waved to Tian Yuhao, "What do you want to say, come and say it!"

"Brother Dong understands me!" Tian Yuhao sat across from Jiang Dong with a smile on his face, and asked Lao Meng to drink a glass of juice before asking Jiang Dong: "Brother Dong, are you really planning to start a war with the Bai family?"

"Otherwise? Do you think I'm joking?" Jiang Dong responded calmly to Tian Yuhao.

"Of course it doesn't mean that. Brother Dong said that he was going to attack the Bai family, so he definitely wouldn't just say something so simple!" Tian Yuhao was not surprised.

To be honest, Jiang Dong's answer did not surprise Tian Yuhao. Although he has not been in contact with Jiang Dong for a long time, he still has a certain understanding of Jiang Dong's temper.

"Then what do you want to say?" Jiang Dong knew that Tian Yuhao would definitely not just chat casually.

"This time I'm officially tearing my face apart on behalf of the Tiandi Group and the Bai family, but as long as Brother Dong doesn't abandon me, why should I be afraid to fight the Bai family?" Tian Yuhao laughed quite proudly.

Jiang Dong has seen many second generations, among which the most outstanding are Tian Yuhao and Lin Yi, but Lin Yi and Tian Yuhao are two different people.

Lin Yi is steady, good at step by step, and lacks an adventurous drive and spirit. On the other hand, Tian Yuhao looks calm on the surface, but he has the blood of an adventurer in his bones. He doesn't seem to like to follow the steps, but likes to challenge the limit!

For example, in the battle with the Bai family, before Jiang Dong expressed his opinion, Tian Yuhao used his knowledge of Jiang Dong to decide without authorization and directly declared war on the Bai family. This is definitely something that only an adventurer can do!

If Jiang Dong doesn't play his cards according to the routine and doesn't plan to attack the Bai family, then Tian Yuhao will push Tiandi Group into a dangerous situation!

Fortunately, everything is proceeding according to Tian Yuhao's idea...

"Speaking so much nonsense, why don't you give me the information of Bai's family, or give me a detailed information about Bai Ziyu." Jiang Dong glanced at Tian Yuhao, "What did you say to Bai Ziyu about the training match just now? , Bai Ziyu also has a team?"

"Hey!" Tian Yuhao smirked, "This guy really has a car team, and it has something to do with the Bai family's business..."

"Let's talk about it in detail! Anyway, I definitely need to find out!" Jiang Dong said casually.

"Okay!" Tian Yuhao didn't talk too much, and directly talked about the situation of the Bai family and Bai Ziyu, Jiang Dong.

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