Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1133 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

The situation of the Bai family is simple, but it is also very complicated.

In Longjing, the Bai family will definitely rank among the top 30...


Only in the top 30?

Don't forget, this is Longjing!

The capital city is purely rich, but in the Beijing circle, it pays more attention to a status and status. Being rich may not cover the sky with one hand in Longjing, but having the power can definitely gain a firm foothold in Longjing!

According to Tian Yuhao, the power of the Bai family is mainly distributed in two aspects, one is the Bai family consortium, and the other is Bai Jinyuan.

There is nothing to say about the Bai family consortium. A large consortium of about the same size as the Qin family mainly relies on the three major sectors of foreign trade, automobiles and mining as its economic support.

Jiangdong is not very familiar with the two aspects of foreign trade and mining, but he vaguely feels that it is an industrial chain, and the mined mines are sold abroad, isn't it just right?

As for the automobile, this is even more remarkable. One of the two most powerful giants in the Longguo automobile industry is known as the South China Sea and the North White.

Nanhai is naturally the ocean car in the south of Longjiang, and Beibai, that is, the Bai family, occupies the vast majority of cars in the north of Longjiang.

It is no exaggeration to say that all the first- and second-tier cities north of Longjiang have a one-stop industrial chain of Baijia's automobile sales and maintenance, half of the third-tier cities have Baijia's automobile industry, and the fourth- and fifth-tier cities account for almost 30%. % of the market share, it is definitely a behemoth!

Let's talk about Bai Jinyuan, he is Bai Ziyu's biological uncle, he is in an important position in the Beijing circle as rumors spread among the government.

Once the two major sectors of the Bai family are merged, the effect of one plus one is greater than two is definitely not to be underestimated.

"This Bai family is even stronger than the Qin family in the capital city. No wonder that Bai Ziyu is so arrogant." Although Jiang Dong was praising the Bai family, there was not much scruple in his tone. As calm as ever.

"Brother Dong, are you not panicking at all? To be honest, I'm a little panicky right now!" Tian Yuhao patted his little heart, not sure if it was real panic or fake panic, or it was just a joke, "Especially when you just acquired Your team, and your Porsche store in Shanghai, are very likely to be hit by the Bai family's dimensionality reduction, after all, that is the old line of the Bai family!"

"What's the matter? Does the Bai family also have a team?" Jiang Dong didn't care about Tian Yuhao's words at all.

Dimensionality reduction blow?

Who is reducing dimensionality to attack whom?

The Bai family launched a dimensionality reduction attack on Jiangdong?

Do not make jokes!

"Yes!" As soon as we talked about the car, Tian Yuhao immediately regained his spirits, "Don't underestimate this kind of professional racing team, in fact, its profits are very rich."

"Not to mention the bonuses of various competitions, advertising, sponsorship, reselling players, offline merchandise, and exhibition games, there is an objective income."

"The most important thing is that the people who participate in this kind of game are rich and rich. Where there are rich and rich, then there is money. What should I do if I have more money? Bet!"

"Just like horse racing on Hong Kong Island, car betting has recently become a relatively popular new game among rich people!"

Tian Yuhao lowered his voice, and said to Jiang Dong mysteriously: "There was an international competition a few days ago, and the teams of the Bai family said that they transferred tens of millions to the Bai family! One game, tens of millions, every year If you play this way for many games, the income will be very considerable!"

"This is interesting!" Jiang Dong became interested, "Can racing bets?"

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