"Then we have formally reached a cooperation!" Lin Su's mood immediately improved, and even sent Jiang Dong a smiley emoji, "Tongtong is actually a soft-hearted person, and she is also a sentimental person. Back then, she was willing to cooperate with Jiang Dong." I've become friends, so naturally I won't be so stiff with you now, just eight words, be honest with each other, domineering president..."

"Pfft!" Jiang Dong was drinking the icy water from the melted Flame Mountain, when he saw the last eight words sent by Lin Su, Jiang Dong couldn't hold back, and sprayed out a mouthful of water.

"Lying grass!" Tian Yuhao, who was using all resources to collect information, was taken aback by Jiang Dong's sudden water escape, "Brother Dong, what are you doing? Want to vomit? Are you pregnant?"

"Go away!" Jiang Dong glared at Tian Yuhao angrily, and then sent back a message to Lin Su, "Your eight characters are too fast, do you watch too many female videos?"

Lin Su: "Get out! We're on our way to the airport now, we're going back to Shanghai, you can figure it out yourself!"

"Coincidentally, I'm going back to Shanghai tonight too, so let's talk about it when I go back!" Jiang Dong immediately locked his phone after replying to Lin Su's words.

Don't take the initiative, don't refuse, Jiang Dong has always kept these six words in mind, this time he was asked to take the initiative to find Yitong, to be honest, Jiang Dong was really a little scared.

never mind!

The boat will be straight when it arrives at the bridge, let's let nature take its course with Yi Tong!

That legendary Jiangshan beauty card, let's let nature take its course!

Jiang Dong waited for a while, and Dao Baqiang hurried back.

After introducing Dao Baqiang and Tian Yuhao to each other, Xu Yangguang and Xu Mengmeng also finished the first lap and returned to Jiangdong to take a rest.

Now, people gathered together, and the atmosphere became much more lively.

Everyone chatted casually, but everyone avoided the topic of Lin Su and Yitong in a tacit understanding. In a blink of an eye, it was lunch time.

Under Tian Yuhao's arrangement, everyone enjoyed a sumptuous and authentic Longjing Roast Duck at the Tiandi Circuit.

"The meal is almost done, I should go." At the dinner table, Jiang Dong put down his chopsticks and asked Xu Yangguang and Xu Mengmeng, "When are you two leaving?"

"Us?" Xu Yangguang smirked, "Longjing hasn't finished shopping yet, we plan to visit for a few more days."

After Xu Yangguang finished speaking, Xu Mengmeng's pretty face immediately turned a blush.

How many days will we go shopping?

Ghosts believe it!

If you want to stay in the hotel for a few more days, that's right!

"Okay! You can figure it out yourself!" Jiang Dong didn't say much, the young couple wanted to stay here and continue playing, that was their business, anyway, Jiang Dong was really leaving.

"Brother Dong, are you leaving now? Don't you stay for two more days?" Tian Yuhao seemed rather reluctant.

"There is still something to do in Shanghai. If there are no accidents, I will come over during the 11th National Holiday." Jiang Dong patted Tian Yuhao on the shoulder, "Speed ​​up the progress of what I asked you to do."

"No problem!" Tian Yuhao grinned, how could he neglect such a thing?

"That's it, let's go!" Jiang Dong waved his hands at several people, and walked directly to the outside of the racing field with Dao Baqiang.

"Brother Dong, I'll send someone to take you to the airport!" Tian Yuhao yelled, and then called Lao Meng over, "Lao Meng, take the driver's seat and drive that Rolls-Royce out of the parking lot. Brother Dong, go to the airport!"

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