"Okay!" Lao Meng obviously does this kind of thing often, and ran to the parking lot without even asking Tian Yuhao for the key, and directly opened a black Rolls-Royce Phantom from the parking lot come out.

After everyone said goodbye one by one, Jiang Dong and Dao Baqiang embarked on the journey back to the magic capital.

In general, Jiangdong has gained a lot from coming to Longjing this time.

After getting Ning Siqi's notification letter, solving the problem of China Film Xingmei, and getting to know Tian Yuhao who will be of great help to him in the future, if Lin Su and Yitong are excluded, this trip to Longjing will definitely be a bumper harvest!

As for Lin Su and Yi Tong, it's still the same sentence, let nature take its course!

Two hours later, Lao Meng successfully sent Jiang Dong and Dao Baqiang to Longjing International Airport. Through the VIP channel, Jiang Dong and Dao Baqiang directly boarded the flight back to Shanghai. Before the flight mode, I received another good news...

The seven undercover agents, including Tao Yong, all successfully completed their missions, especially Tao Yong. Perhaps the pressure from the Tiandi Group is strong enough. Jin Dongxu's shares will be auctioned tonight, direct bidding!

The two auctions will be held tonight, as if there is a certain destiny in the dark, maybe, after tonight, Jiangdong's power will grow to an unprecedented level!

The plane took off, gradually flew away from the sky above Longjing, and rushed into the vast clouds.

In the first-class cabin, five people sat sparsely, a young couple, an old man with white hair and beard, and Jiang Dong and Dao Scarqiang.

Jiang Dong and Dao Baqiang sat in the first row, and the other three sat in the last row. They were far away from each other, but they didn't pay much attention to each other.

"Brother Dong, we are in such a hurry to go back, are we done?" Dao Scarqiang asked in a low voice.

This time it took only two days to come to Longjing, and Dao Scarqiang was a little worried that something happened to the capital, so Jiangdong decided to return temporarily.

"It's all done, but it's really not a big deal." Jiang Dong said casually, "Ah Qiang, what direction are you interested in? I mean, your future development direction!"

"I..." Dao Baqiang thought carefully for a moment, and finally grinned, "It's fine to be a driver by Dong Ge's side, or, as Dong Ge said before, it's fine to send me to Dongfang Group as a security guard. I listen to Brother Dong's arrangement."

Jiang Dong: "You don't have any big ambitions?"

Scar Qiang: "No! Hehe!"

"Okay!" Jiang Dong covered his forehead, very helpless.

Originally, Jiang Dong wanted to collect Wei Ding's property through tonight's auction, and then hand it over to Dao Baqiang or Zheng Yi for management.

Originally, Jiangdong planned to hand it over to Dao Scarqiang. After all, he is in Menqing, the capital city. After all these industries are on the right track in the future, he will merge with Dongfang Group. At that time, Dao Scarqiang will be the head of the security department of Dongfang Group.

But Dao Scarqiang has no thoughts on this aspect at all. In terms of ambition, Dao Scarqiang and Zheng Yi are really very different.

"Brother Dong plans to take over all Wei Ding's property?" Dao Baqiang asked gossipingly.

"Of course." Jiang Dong nodded, and said lightly: "Tonight there will be an auction in Modu, and there will also be an auction in Longjing. After these two auctions, our power will get a qualitative leap, starting tomorrow , It’s a battle of real swords and guns!”

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