Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1142 Opening up a second money-burning battlefield

Although Tang Xianming has lived abroad for a long time, after returning to Longguo, the Tang family warned Tang Xianming immediately, never to provoke Jiang Dong, he is a peerless fierce man who dares to castrate even Lin Zhong!

Sometimes, destiny is really mysterious.

Tang Xianming expressly forbids people not to be provoked by Tang Xianming, but Tang Xianming met him on the plane, and the two sides formed a relationship...

That's what it means to make good fortune trick people!

"Jiang...Jiang Dong?" Tang Xianming turned his head stiffly and mechanically, looked at Lang Xiaoxian in a daze, as if he couldn't imagine it, and repeated, "Who did you say just now?"

Tang Xianming's words and deeds have already shown the degree of shock in his heart at this time from the side. He absolutely can't believe it, and he doesn't want to believe it!

"Jiangdong! Jiangdong!" Lang Xiaoxian screamed madly as if stimulated, "He is Xingmei's boss!"

"I...fuck..." Tang Xianming finally confirmed Jiang Dong's identity.

To be honest, he was really a little panicked, after all, Jiangdong was an existence that Tang Xianming never provoked under the advice of the Tang family!

As for Mr. Tu, he was already stunned. He knew that if he returned to the capital this time, he would definitely be severely punished by the Tang family!

And Mo Xiaoyu, she looked at the changes in the expressions of Tang Xianming and the others with a strange expression on her face, she couldn't figure it out, does the name "Jiangdong" have any special meaning?

Why did the arrogant and domineering young master of the Tang family wilt instantly after reporting this name?

"Okay, what's the ghost's name?" Jiang Dong gave Lang Xiaoxian a dissatisfied look, and Lang Xiaoxian immediately covered her mouth with her hands in fright, not even daring to breathe, and shrank directly on the seat.

This is a fierce man who even dares to be tough on the Qin family. In Jiang Dong's eyes, Lang Xiaoxian is a fart?

If possible, Lang Xiaoxian would definitely try her best to climb onto Jiangdong's bed with all her might, that is the real bed with unlimited potential!

Didn't it mean that the goddess in the eyes of the poor is the sex basin on the bed of the rich?

It doesn't matter, Lang Xiaoxian is willing to be Jiangdong's X basin!

But in reality, it seems that Jiang Dong is not interested in Lang Xiaoxian at all...

"Tang Xianming, isn't it?" Jiang Dong looked at Tang Xianming jokingly, "I'm very upset to see you now, but I won't touch you. After getting off the plane, tell Tang that Tang Chen Yipin seems to be very awesome, I We are going to start with Tomson Yipin and open up a second money-burning battlefield, let your family get ready!"

After saying this, Jiang Dong sat back in his seat directly.

In the first class cabin, a strange dead silence atmosphere was maintained.

No one spoke, not even daring to breathe.

"Mr. Jiang..." Finally, the silence was broken. Master Tu respectfully bowed at 90 degrees in the direction of Jiangdong, cupped his fists and saluted, "We are wrong about this matter. I will report it to Mr. Tang after we get off the plane. The board of directors, in the name of Tang's board of directors, invites Mr. Jiang to entertain Mr. Jiang with a table and first wine, and let the whole magic city know about it..."

"Master Tu!" Tang Xianming stood up and growled in a low voice: "Does he dare to attack our family? I heard that he can't handle even a Qin family. At this time, does he dare to make enemies again? He is not afraid of us and our family. Is the Qin family joining forces? Now, he should be the one to beg for mercy, right?"

I have to say that the brain circuit of the dandy is really strange.

But taking a step back, is there something wrong with what Tang Xianming said?

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