Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1143 Mrs. Tang is great in everything

There is nothing wrong with it!

Although Jiangdong's Qin's Lightspeed Theater Line is now losing ground, but after all, it hasn't defeated the Lightspeed Theater Line, right?

One of the three major divisions of the Qin family, Jiang Dong has not succeeded. At this time, does he dare to directly fight with the Tang family?

Think about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case?

Lord Tu, who was frightened by Jiangdong's record before, also came back to his senses in an instant. From any angle of analysis, it seems that Jiangdong has no reason now, nor does he have the strength to open up a second battle with Tang, right?

In an instant, Master Tu's waist stiffened, "Mr. Jiang, we will still put on the banquet, and we will definitely give Mr. Jiang face. As for whether Mr. Jiang will give us Tang's face, it depends on what Mr. Jiang thinks." gone."

With these words, Master Tu spoke more forcefully, and completely lost the previous low-key attitude.

"I have already received the face from you, Tang." Jiang Dong sneered, "I gave you the face from Tang, don't forget to go back and tell your board of directors!"

"Okay! You just wait for us Tang and Qin to join forces to deal with you!" Tang Xianming curled his lips in disdain, and boasted to Lang Xiaoxian beside him: "This kind of person has no strength and only knows how to pretend to be beeping blindly." , there is only one fate, and I will let him see that fate!"

"Wow! Young Master Tang is amazing!" Lang Xiaoxian looked at Tang Xianming with eyes full of stars.

"Which aspect is better?" Tang Xianming laughed complacently.

"It's amazing in every aspect! Oh! I'm so shy!" Lang Xiaoxian threw herself into Tang Xianming's arms. If it wasn't on the plane, Tang Xianming would definitely defeat Lang Xiaoxian.

"Hmph!" Tang Xianming sneered very satisfied, "Jiang, don't let me down? I'm most afraid of weak opponents!"

"Don't worry! I won't let you down!" Jiang Dong was not angry at all, and even wanted to laugh.

If it wasn't on the plane, Jiang Dong would definitely have taught him a lesson.

However, Jiang Dong has changed his mind now...

Does Tang Xianming have a fart?

If you want to get it, just get Tang's!

I am afraid that most people think that Jiang Dong is not capable of fighting against Tang and Qin at the same time, right?

Just pass this battle, let everyone shut up!

"Sir, thank you very much!" After the war subsided, Mo Xiaoyu quietly came to Jiangdong and expressed his sincere thanks.

There was a special smell on Mo Xiaoyu's body, which made Jiang Dong very intoxicated. For no reason, Jiang Dong remembered a sentence...

When I was young, I didn't know the beauty of a young woman, and mistakenly regarded a girl as a treasure...

"Uh! It's okay!" Jiang Dong suppressed the not-so-fair thoughts in his heart, and responded softly to Mo Xiaoyu.

The distance between Longjing and Shanghai is not far, less than two hours' flight, after the two sides yelled at each other, time naturally came to an end.

Accompanied by a violent turbulence, the plane landed steadily at Modu International Airport.

"Boy, wait and see!" Tang Xianming put his arms around Xiaoxian Lang, followed by Master Tu, and the three of them left the first-class cabin first. Before leaving, Tang Xianming hurled harsh words at Jiang Dong.

"The one who is on the horse..." Dao Scar couldn't hold back his anger, and he was about to charge up with his iron fist in his hands. Anyway, he had already landed now, so it didn't matter if he made a move.

"Don't worry!" Jiang Dong stood up and patted Dao Scarqiang's shoulder, "How boring is it that we teach him a lesson?"

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