Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1186: The Monster Stocks That Stretch the Limits

"You two!" Jiang Dong shook his head and smiled wryly. He really had nothing to do with this pair of live treasures. In desperation, Jiang Dong had no choice but to change the subject, "Are you still in the mood to care about gossip? Why don't you see what's going on with the stock market now?" ?”

"Just finished watching!" Xu Yangguang immediately put on a posture of reporting work, "Currently, he is being rubbed against the floor, and there is no improvement!"

"How much did you earn?" Jiang Dong asked Xu Yangguang while taking out his phone and sending Tian Yuhao a message of prestige.

"The cash that Kaixuan Group can use is in my hands, almost 200 million, and I have invested it!" Xu Yangguang showed a terrified expression, waiting to look at Jiangdong with Shui Lingling's big eyes, "Brother Dong, you You won’t let me lose money, right? This money will be put into the stock market, and the capital chain of Kaixuan Group will be broken!”

"Don't worry, have you heard of bankers losing money? Those who lose money playing stocks are leeks, for short, retail investors!" Jiang Dong smiled mysteriously, and then shook his phone at Xu Yangguang, "Tian Yuhao can tell you, if you lose money by climbing , He gave you 200 million to buy all the shares in your hand, what do you think?"

"Don't! The person I trust the most is Brother Dong. Since Brother Dong let me enter, I will definitely not lose money!" Xu Yangguang waved his hands repeatedly.

"Don't say it too early, when the stock price of China Film Xingmei rises, it's time for you to cry!"

"Lying grass! Brother Dong, don't scare me!"

"Okay, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Tian Yuhao also entered the market with 200 million yuan of funds. According to the financial experts on his side, the retail investors of China Film Xingmei have basically left the market with their arms broken. Now China Film Xingmei only has There are three of us now..." The corner of Jiang Dong's mouth raised a mysterious arc, and he dialed Xia Xue's phone with his backhand.

"Mr. Jiang, what's your order?" Xia Xue was in a mess, a group of people were still calling for various professional affiliations, and she should be at the trading site.

"I still have 3 billion in my bank card. How do you think I can use this 3 billion to raise China Film Xingmei's stock price?" Jiang Dong said calmly.

"Three billion?" Xia Xue on the other end of the phone was obviously shocked by this number. After a brief shock, Xia Xue also came back to her senses, "We can first create public opinion and show the relationship between Dongfang Group and China Film Xingmei. Then, the stock price will be raised by selling, sucking and flipping hands, Mr. Jiang, it is best to put the money into the company's account, the Securities Regulatory Commission will definitely come to investigate us in the afternoon!"

"Okay! I'll transfer the money to you right now. You can carry out the specific operations. Tao Yong and Zhang Qingshan are all at your disposal!" Jiang Dong said, hung up the phone directly, and turned back the thirty dollars in the account. 100 million was transferred to the public account of the Eastern Group.

"Lying grass!" Xu Yangguang was like an ignorant child, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Brother Dong, what kind of bank card is that for you? Can you transfer three billion at will?"

"It is said that it is a special card made by Longguo Bank. There is no limit, and you can transfer as much money as you want!" Jiang Dong said disapprovingly.

"That's right! You, a cash flow father, are definitely sought after by banks!" Xu Yangguang said with both envy and admiration.

"Okay! It's time for me to prepare for the 100-meter preliminaries!" Jiang Dong smiled and said calmly: "If there is no accident, China Film Xingmei will directly increase the limit after the market opens at 1 o'clock this afternoon. To put it bluntly, it is us A few stocks are left and right, let it restore its due market value!"

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