"However, Brother Dong, today's headlines are destined not to belong to Dongfang Group and China Film Xingmei. Even if China Film Xingmei has become a demon stock that straddles the daily limit, the hot search on the headlines is still Yagan's business!" Xu Yangguang said indignantly : "It's true that no one asks about the general's grave, but the world knows about the actor!"

"I believe that the people of Long Kingdom will wake up in a short time. Our nation has already set off a frenzy of domestic products!" Jiang Dong said meaningfully.

"Wait a minute... Isn't it difficult to go from the lower limit to the higher limit?" Xu Mengmeng knew nothing about stocks,

"Inevitable!" Xu Yangguang simply explained to Xu Mengmeng: "It's like a person rushing from hell to heaven suddenly, that's what it means!"

After hearing Xu Yangguang's words, Xu Mengmeng suddenly realized and nodded, "No wonder the sister on the phone said that the China Securities Regulatory Commission will definitely investigate Dongfang Group..."

When Xu Mengmeng said these words, including what Jiangdong called Xia Xue before, she was not surprised at all. This proves that Xu Mengmeng already knows all of Jiangdong's identities!

"You know?" Jiang Dong was talking to Xu Mengmeng, but his eyes drifted to Xu Yangguang.

"Brother Dong, we are all our own people, so there is no need to hide it?" Xu Yangguang stuck out his tongue, he knew he made a mistake.

"It's best not to have a second time." Xu Mengmeng knew Jiang Dong's identity, Jiang Dong didn't care, but Jiang Dong didn't want others to know, because it would destroy Jiang Dong's peaceful life.

"Don't worry, Brother Dong, outsiders will never know!" Xu Yangguang said solemnly to Jiang Dong.

Jiang Dong didn't speak, just waved his hands, and walked towards the 100-meter inspection office.

However, when Jiang Dong walked to the 100-meter checkpoint, a strange scene appeared...

In the huge check-in office, there were only a few sparse people at this time, and they were all athletes from other groups. Jiang Dong also took a look at the check-in list. Among the eight people in Jiang Dong's group, only Jiang Dong registered. ...

"Teacher, this..." Jiang Dong pointed to the blank list, and asked the teacher in charge of the inspection in surprise, "Is it possible that it's just me?"

"Sure!" The male physical education teacher laughed loudly, "Who dares to compete with you, who has every chance to break the world record? Isn't this looking for abuse?"

The female teacher next to her also laughed, "I feel that the running competition in this sports meeting will be the most boring competition in history!"

"I agree with this sentence!" The male physical education teacher nodded, looking at Jiang Dong with envy in his eyes, "It is estimated that from now until the final, no one will dare to compete with you, one hundred meters, two hundred meters The three champions of the 400m and 400m must belong to you!"

The sledgehammer test that hasn't been exhausted has turned into a situation where no one dares to fight?

This year's students are too bad, right?

In other words, the students of the Shanghai School of Economics don't have a good mental capacity!

Regarding this, Jiang Dong was actually very speechless, he even had a heart for Lu Tianming and Xu Tiankuo!

"Jiang Shao!" Like a ghost, Lu Tianming came to Jiang Dong's side again in such a sudden appearance, and smiled with lingering fear: "I was assigned to the next-door group this time, and finally I am not in your group!"

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