Although Liu Shishi is not considered top-notch and super giant now, he is definitely an existence of the level of a big star. If you want to invite such a celebrity, you have to make an appointment at least one or two months in advance, and you have to be a Scripts or variety shows or something.

But now, Jiang Dong just wants to hire a dance teacher and team for Yitong, and he has to ask the other party to come to the magic city immediately, the conditions are extremely harsh!

But even in this situation, Tian Yuhao actually did it. One thing to say, Tian Yuhao, or the energy of Tiandi Group, cannot be underestimated!

"Hey!" Hearing Jiang Dong's words, Tian Yuhao couldn't help but smirked, "Brother Dong, it's fine to remember the merits, but it's actually not a difficult task! Who are we? We are capital! The power of capital is infinite! These celebrities are nothing more than pawns in the hands of capital! To put it bluntly, if I look for her, it's for her face!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I am a proletarian, I am not a capital!"

"Brother Dong, you are the biggest capitalist!"

"Stop talking nonsense, if you are fine, I will hang up!"

"Don't!" Tian Yuhao immediately let out a flattering laugh, "Brother Dong, do you want to discuss something?"

"Fast fart!"

"I'm going to Shanghai in the next few days. The main reason is that my brother Wang really wants to meet you. Can you give me some face?"

"Receive me? To save face for you? Small matter!" Jiang Dong said generously: "Tell me before boarding the plane, I will arrange it, and I will guarantee you face!"

"Then thank you so much Brother Dong!" Tian Yuhao got Jiang Dong's consent before hanging up the phone.

After finishing the conversation with Tian Yuhao, Jiang Dong drove the car and wandered around the School of Economics.

Not long after, Jiang Dong found a dance classroom on Lushan Street, east of the School of Economics.

This dance classroom is only five or six hundred meters away from the main entrance of the School of Economics. The traffic is naturally very convenient, and there are two floors. Judging from the quality of the plaque, it should be newly renovated, and everything is in line with Jiangdong's wishes.

Immediately, Jiang Dong parked the supercar in front of the main entrance of the dance classroom, slowly got out of the car, and entered the dance classroom.

"Sir... what's the matter?" At the front desk of the dance studio was a very young girl with freckles. She should be a student of the School of Economics according to Jiang Dong's age, but how could a student drive such an expensive car?

So, the freckled girl called Mr. Jiangdong awkwardly.

"Is your boss here? I want to buy this dance studio, together with the shop!" Jiang Dong said calmly as he sat on the sofa where the guests were received.

" it?" The freckled girl was stunned.

The young man in front of him must be too powerful, right?

Although this is Nanxian District, the housing price is relatively low compared to other districts in Shanghai, but this is a store after all, and it is next to the School of Economics. The location is absolutely superior, and the price will naturally not be cheap!

"Yes! Forget it! Call out the boss!" Jiang Dong waved his hand and said.

"Okay! Wait a moment, sir!" The freckled girl immediately ran up to the second floor.

Not long after, the freckled girl ran down again, but this time behind her was a middle-aged woman with a good figure.

In fact, the middle-aged woman looks good. Although she looks to be in her thirties, she is a kind of mature young woman who still has charm. If she had to give her a score, she would probably get a score of 85!

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