Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1229 buy a store and give it to the proprietress

"This... sir!" The middle-aged woman was wearing yoga clothes, showing her proud figure to the fullest, "I heard that you want to buy a store?"

After saying this, the middle-aged woman sat on the sofa opposite Jiang Dong, and looked at Jiang Dong suspiciously and curiously.

"Yes! I just want to buy a newly renovated dance classroom, and this is the right place for you!" Jiang Dong cut to the chase and said, "Is this shop organized by you or by yourself?"

"My own shop, but I have no intention of selling it." The middle-aged woman refused decisively.

Jiang Dong didn't seem to hear the middle-aged woman's words, and said to himself: "The price of the shops near Nanxian District School of Economics should be around 30,000 to 40,000 per square meter. Your place looks like more than 200 square meters, and it is a new one. furnish……"

"Wait, as I said, I have no intention of making a move for the time being..." The middle-aged woman hurriedly said, trying to interrupt Jiang Dong's words, she even showed a sullen expression on her face.

However, Jiang Dong had no intention of stopping at all, and still said to himself: "I will give you 50,000 per square meter, the area is 300 square meters, and the decoration fee is 1 million. The total is... 16 million. ,Right?"

In an instant, the middle-aged woman and the freckled girl were dumbfounded. They stared at Jiang Dong in a daze, not knowing what to say for a while!

Is there such a calculation?

Has anyone bought something like this?

Are you trying to raise the price for yourself?

When a middle-aged woman bought this set of shops, it was 35,000 square meters per square meter, and it was only about 260 square meters, and the decoration cost was only 500,000 yuan.

However, Jiangdong raised the price by 15,000 square meters directly, and an extra 40 square meters was added. The 500,000 yuan decoration fee was not counted among them. Those two items alone already made the middle-aged The woman made a fortune!


Added value?

The housing prices in Shanghai have recently started to be regulated, and the reason why middle-aged women don't sell this set of shops is because the profits are not that big!

But it's different now, Jiang Dong fully allowed her to earn more than two-fifths, that's a few million!

Do not sell?

Why not sell it!

"Sir, let's sign the contract now!" The middle-aged woman's previous sullenness was swept away, and she immediately put on a flattering smile, and quickly said to the freckled girl: "Go and pour this gentleman a cup of coffee!"

The freckled girl responded and went straight to the back kitchen.

On the other hand, the middle-aged woman adjusted her sitting posture, fully showing her "S"-shaped figure in front of Jiangdong's eyes, and even deliberately bent down to expose the deep V in Jiangdong's field of vision. Sisi said: "Little handsome guy, upstairs is my sister's living room. Would you like my sister to teach you yoga postures first? My sister's body is very flexible!"

"Is this the rhythm of buying a store and giving it to the proprietress?" Jiang Dong said lightly without looking sideways.

In all fairness, with the figure of the proprietress and her unique skills in yoga, she can definitely kill a large number of men in seconds, let alone actively seduce?

It's a pity that the proprietress met Jiang Dong, he didn't like the proprietress at all!

"If you understand it that way, that's fine too." The proprietress still winks like silk.

"Sorry, I bought this store for my girlfriend, so I will sign a contract with you first, and then let my girlfriend contact you, and you will go through the transfer procedures with her."

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