"Special for you! I love men and women!" Jiang Dong was amused, and licked. Dogs really have no bottom line, "Okay, you tell Bei Di to be honest, and I will let him and my friend double row later, give me Friends are popular."

Don't worry, the boss, I'll contact Beidi right away, not to mention Beidi, all the anchors of our Stone Union, the boss can pick whatever he wants, and he can do whatever he wants to attract popularity!" The operation took a long breath.

Jiang Dong ignored the operation, switched back to Beidi's live broadcast room, and started typing on the public screen.

"Immediately connect with the anchor who played Baili and kept the promise just now, and double row with him to increase his popularity." Jiang Dong is already the most honored emperor on the Tiger Live platform, and the barrage he sends out has the most unique logo, Even though the barrage in Beidi's live broadcast room had exploded, everyone still saw Jiangdong's barrage in the first place.

In an instant, everyone in the live broadcast room, including Beidi, was completely torn apart...

"Is this guy pretending to beep?"

"For a reward of hundreds of thousands, let Bei Di find that little anchor double row? Isn't this a slap in the face of Bei Di?"

"Upstairs is even more beeping, do you have hundreds of thousands? Are you willing to give a reward?"

"Anyway, it's impossible for the Northern Emperor to go!"

"Of course, if Beidi went today, he would no longer be slapped in the face, but rubbed against the ground!"

"Just now I said that the little anchor has turned on the technology, and now he is going to double row with him to gain popularity for him?"

The barrage took off, and Bei Di's expression was not so good.

"Boss, I am very grateful for your treasure map, but your request is a little too much. I can't double row with a small streamer who has turned on technology!" Bei Di said firmly.

"I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language." Jiang Dong continued to post barrage.

"No! Yes! Yes!" Bei Di said firmly.

Jiang Dong ignored Bei Di, and left his live broadcast room directly, and went to He Lin's live broadcast room.

"Brother Dong, what are you doing? Give He Lin hundreds of thousands, okay?"

"That's right! Hundreds of thousands are nothing to Brother Dong, but if it goes to He Lin, the current popularity of Beidi will belong to He Lin!"

"Don't you understand? This is called pattern!" Xu Yangguang posted a barrage, "Brother Dong just wants Beidi to come and lick He Lin! Didn't that guy just say that He Lin opened up technology? Okay! Then Just roll over and kneel. Licking the anchor who you say is a tech-savvy broadcaster is absolutely murderous!"

After Xu Yangguang's explanation, everyone in the first class of mine management immediately understood, and He Lin was also excited and incoherent, thanking Jiang Dong repeatedly.

However, the barrage took off again...


"Still murdering people?"

"Have you never seen money?"

"Bei Di is a big anchor, the kind who earns several million a year, will he give up because of this little money?"

"That's right! If Beidi came here today to lead this little anchor duo, he wouldn't have to mess around in the live broadcasting world anymore!"

In He Lin's live broadcast room, there are many keyboard warriors who like to make trouble. This kind of people just watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal. , Maybe it will be what they say it will look like!

However, the most shocking and exciting scene happened after all...

For some unknown reason, Beidi actually took the initiative to send Lianmai to He Lin...

In an instant, the two live broadcast rooms exploded!

Keyboard man exploded!

The Tiger Live platform also exploded!

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