What's going on with riding a horse now?

Beidi actually took the initiative to connect with the little anchor Mai?

Everyone still had a little fantasy that a Northern Emperor wanted to scold the young anchor face to face, but when the stunned He Lin subconsciously clicked on the Lianmai function, the first sentence of the Northern Emperor directly broke everyone's defenses ...

"My friend, I was wrong just now. I shouldn't blame you. You won beautifully. You have outstanding strength and absolutely no technology. I, Beidi, guarantee it with my personality!" Beidi didn't turn on the camera, but his words came through two The live broadcast room spread throughout the Tiger live broadcast platform!

Take the initiative to confess?

Still recognize it so thoroughly?

How could he make a public apology to a small anchor who he said had developed technology?

Don't lose face yet?

Don't you want to hang out in the live broadcast circle?

All in all, Beidi tonight is destined to be nailed to the pillar of shame!

No one knows why Beidi suddenly admits to be cowardly, and he admits so thoroughly.

In fact, even Jiang Dong didn't know what happened in it. He thought it was the deterrent effect on the Stone Union, but in fact, it wasn't...

In fact, when the operation of the Stone Union ended the private chat with Jiang Dong, the operation received a private message from the staff of the Tiger Live platform.

The content of the private message was simple and rude. The Tiger Live platform warned the stone union that if they dared to offend this super god who recharged more than 50 million yuan if they disagreed with each other, the stone union would have no way out!

If Jiang Dong's previous recharge screenshots were killing people, then the selfishness that the tiger live broadcasting platform sent to the stone union is a punishment!

Anchor, labor union, platform and Shenhao form an unsolvable food chain.

The one standing in the atmosphere is naturally Shenhao Jiangdong, neither the platform nor the trade union dare to offend a boss of this level!

Just recharge more than 50 million yuan if there is a disagreement, the tiger live broadcast platform has less than half a year's profit, and Jiang Dong rushed in in minutes, how dare the tiger live broadcast platform say "no"?

This makes one person comparable to a thousand troops!

Most importantly, since the establishment of Tiger Platform, there have only been one or two such arrogant gods!

And the lowest end of the food chain is the anchor that everyone admires, pursues and envies.

In this chain of food chains, the anchor has the least status. Regardless of how big the anchor is, whether it has millions of subscriptions, or whether it is extremely popular, the union will not take this kind of anchor in its eyes, and can block it in minutes. , let alone the platform above, and Shenhao!

Layer upon layer of oppression and layer upon layer of intimidation caused Bei Di to admit his counsel, and he dared not deny it!

That's why there is such a reverse scene like today...

And at this time, the keyboard warriors who like the most and are the best at eating melons, soon frantically poured into He Lin's live broadcast room, which also caused a great spectacle...

He Lin's live broadcast room, where no one gave any gifts, became the most popular live broadcast room in the king section, and even the entire Tiger Live broadcast platform, during the prime time at night!

Facing the sudden happiness, He Lin was completely stunned and didn't know what to say.

And on the other side, Beidi, because He Lin never said a word, this guy panicked instantly, thinking that He Lin didn't forgive him!

"Come on! My fans, please subscribe to this powerful anchor!" Beidi immediately gave He Lin the platform and started various canvassing. He even paid out of his own pocket and sent He Lin a treasure map directly. !

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