What is Shenhao?

This is Shenhao!

It’s about changing a batch instead of washing and wearing them again!

In fact, the true meaning of luxury goods is to throw them away after wearing them, because the workmanship and materials of most luxury goods are not suitable for washing.

There was a news report that someone had washed clothes worth tens of thousands of dollars. The response from the brand store was that their clothes could not be washed, not even by hand, because their clothes were real luxury goods and the materials they used could not be washed. If you touch water, you can’t wear it again after wearing it...

This news was very popular at the time, and it gave people a new understanding of user luxury goods...

The news of Jiangdong's victory without a fight spread like wildfire. Not only everyone in the mining management class knew about it, but also many students in the School of Economics. After all, this was an era of developed Internet.

The consequence was that within a month, Jiangdong became the undisputed number one figure in the School of Economics!

If you insist on selecting the Prince Charming in the eyes of girls, then Jiangdong will definitely be the first person to do his job, and his support rate among girls will definitely exceed 99%!

"Brother Dong is awesome!"

"Brother Dong, I'm already numb!"

"When can you become weaker? So that we can know that you still have shortcomings!"

All the students in the Mine Management Class were really numb to Jiang Dong's various magical performances.

From the first day of school to today's sports meeting, Jiangdong has been creating miracles all the time, and they are the kind of miracles that have never been done before or since!

Jiang Dong even made these ordinary people feel that the saying "no one is perfect" is bullshit!

"Always remember, I am not a human, I am a god!" Jiang Dong laughed half-jokingly, "Where are Yangguang and the others?"

"Master Xu and the others are on the basketball court. I just came back. The current score is 42 to 20, absolutely crushing!" He Lin laughed heartily.

The longer he stays in contact with Jiangdong and others, the more cheerful He Lin's personality becomes. He is no longer the otaku he was at the beginning, and he is trying to get out of his world.

"That's good! If nothing happens, I'll leave?" Jiang Dong looked around at the crowd, but no one responded.

"Okay! I'll leave if nothing happens!" Jiang Dong waved his hand, and then told He Lin: "Call me if you need anything!"

"Okay! Brother Dong!" He Lin put on a respectful farewell gesture.

"Brother Dong, walk slowly!"

"Congratulations to Brother Dong!"

A group of people shouted at the top of their lungs, a bit like the emperor leaving the palace...

"You guys!" Jiang Dong smiled helplessly, and walked out of the formation of the Mine Management Team without any nonsense.

After leaving school, Jiang Dong did not go to work at Datang Hot Pot Restaurant, but went straight to Yi Tong's dance class.

It was noon, and Yi Tong and Liu Shishi had just finished their morning rehearsal. When Jiang Dong walked into the dance classroom, several people were discussing the afternoon schedule. When Jiang Dong walked in, everyone started to fight against Jiang Dong. call.

"I have a rest this afternoon. Come back after dinner in the evening!" Jiang Dong naturally heard their discussion and made a prompt decision. Jiang Dong directly contracted Yi Tong's afternoon.

"Okay, I happen to have an announcement in the afternoon in Magic City to run away, so I'll come over after dinner, around seven o'clock!" Liu Shishi knows the game very well, so he ran away before Yi Tong opened his mouth. It was announced that this kind of fortification was carried out.

Yi Tong must be embarrassed to ask Master Liu to reject the announcement. This also guarantees that Yi Tong will be from Jiangdong this afternoon.

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