How else to say that Liu Shishi is a human spirit?

She just came here this morning and noticed something strange about Yi Tong. As someone who has been there, she immediately knew that Jiang Dong and Yi Tong had truly confirmed their relationship. In this case, Jiang Dong had already spoken, so she must cooperate!

"You are very good." Jiang Dong nodded towards Master Liu and said meaningfully: "Old Tian will come to the Magic City in the next few days. You can have a meal with us."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Jiang!" Master Liu was extremely happy.


Don’t you have to pay a huge price to have a meal with a celebrity?

Female celebrities all have appearance fees, and the price of a dinner is clearly marked!

And what about Jiangdong?

Not only did they not give them money, they also made it look like they had received a huge favor...


That's it!

With the status of Jiang Dong and Tian Yuhao, many celebrities have no way to come to this dinner party. Liu Shishi can appear in public at this dinner party, which proves that Liu Shishi's future has been shrouded in the sun!

"Okay! Let's go! You can take care of lunch and dinner by yourself, or you can eat them at Yangyun Aman, it's up to you!" Jiang Dong waved his hand and said somewhat impatiently.

"I understand, Mr. Jiang!" Master Liu was not angry at all. To put it simply, she did not dare to be angry and did not deserve to be angry.

After saying this, Master Liu quickly led her team and ran out of the dance studio. She got on the Alpha and ran away, as if she was afraid that if she left for a second late, Jiangdong would not let her attend the dinner. As if.

"What kind of dinner party are you talking about?" Yi Tong, dripping with sweat, came to Jiang Dong's side and hugged Jiang Dong naturally, "Do you think Senior Sister is very happy?"

"A dinner party that can determine her future stardom, do you think she can be unhappy?" Jiang Dong smiled and pinched Yi Tong's pretty face, and said that even if she is purely bare-faced, Yi Tong's appearance is It can instantly kill most women who have beauty filters turned on.

"That's right..." Yi Tong said, frowning and smelling Jiang Dong's body, "What does it smell like?"

"Does it smell like sweat?" Jiang Dong shrugged. Although he did not participate in the competition, he must have been sweating after chatting with Liu Youzhi under the sun for so long.

"Oops! Go upstairs and take a shower!" Yi Tong patted Jiang Dong's chest, "I have to take a shower too. I've been practicing for a long time and I'm covered in sweat!"

"How about we wash together?" Jiang Dong looked at Yi Tong with a wicked smile.

"Bah! Stinky rascal!"

"Then I'll take it as your promise!" Jiang Dong laughed loudly and hugged Yi Tong directly into a princess hug.

Amid Yi Tong's exclamations, Jiang Dong walked up to the second floor. As for the result, it was natural that they were playing together!

Of course, he just took a shower and did nothing. Jiang Dong didn’t dare to bother Yi Tong too much. After all, they had a performance in two days, and it wouldn’t be too late to wait for the performance to end and then fight for 300 rounds!

The two played around in the bathroom for a long time, and then they both got out of the bath and put on simple casual clothes.

The two left the dance studio and went straight to the delicious noodle shop that Yi Tong mentioned before.

While waiting for the food to be served, Jiang Dong told Yi Tong the scene of everyone abandoning the game this morning, which made Yi Tong laugh. Jiang Dong also calmly took out the legendary country beauty card and planned to try it. Let’s see if we can get full cash back this time...

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