The most important thing is that Jiangdong's purpose seems to be just to make the team richer and more prosperous. This is what Tian Yuhao really marvels at!

Monopolize the supply of Lamborghini in Shanghai?

Just for fun!

After a long while, Tian Yuhao regained his composure and smiled flatteringly, "Brother Dong! You are so awesome! By the way, guess where I am?"

"You shouldn't be at the airport, right?" Jiang Dong seemed to be able to see Tian Yuhao's face at this moment through the phone. It was definitely the kind of flattering look on his face. It was particularly disgusting to think about it. Yes, it was disgusting.

"Brother Dong is awesome! Can you guess this? Brother Wang and I are at the airport! Brother Wang went over there to flirt with girls!" Tian Yuhao laughed evilly, "Brother Dong, prepare your Aston Martin one77, I’m going to pamper him!”

"Let's finish the team's affairs first. By the way, sign up for the competition. It needs to be an officially recognized competition. The sooner the better, I'm anxious!"

"This is a small matter. There will be a cup competition soon, and the Bai family's team will also participate. I have already started arranging the registration. This time I will definitely knock down the Bai family's team. We want to get bonuses and win the handicap. !" Tian Yuhao began to look forward to a bright future, as if countless banknotes had flowed into his pocket.

"Hurry up, the sooner the better. Once things are done, I can give you this Aston Martin One77!" In order to complete the system tasks, Jiang Dong did not hesitate to use the Aston Martin One77 to motivate Tian Yuhao.

There's no way, the time limit given by the system is only ninety-nine days. If I run a normal season, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it in ninety-nine days, and what if the season has already started?

An official competition is not like queuing up to buy groceries. You can’t just jump in line if you want!

Therefore, there is no doubt that the cup competition Tian Yuhao chooses is the best choice!

During the cup period, the results are quick, and registration is much simpler than in the normal league. With Tian Yuhao’s ability, Jiangdong believes that there will be no problem!

As long as the team can be sent to the cup, Jiangdong is confident that the team can win the cup championship. This is money power!

Everything is just to complete the second task of the system, let Jiangdong get the reward, and let the system smoothly upgrade to legendary level 3!

"Wucao! Brother Dong, do you mean what you say?" Tian Yuhao's voice suddenly rose a lot, and his tone was full of shock, excitement and anticipation.

Tian Yuhao felt bad after hearing Jiang Dong's words. It's not that he felt uncomfortable, but the madness caused by being too excited!

A supercar of the Aston Martin One77 level is definitely the most deadly temptation for Tian Yuhao, who loves cars!

"Have I ever lied?" Jiang Dong curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"Okay! I remember it! Brother Dong, just wait and see!" Tian Yuhao shouted excitedly, "Stop talking, it's time for me to board the plane. I'll arrive in Shanghai in two hours!"

"I'll study the airport pick-up myself. I don't have time. I'm shopping with my girlfriend!" Jiang Dong simply put off the airport pick-up job.

"Hey, it's just a small problem!" Tian Yuhao said and hung up the phone.

Now he can't wait to fly to Magic City immediately. Nothing can stop him from boarding the plane, let alone looking for Jiangdong!

Here, Jiangdong arranged for Wang Tao and Tian Yuhao, and over there, Yi Tong also carefully looked at the Lamborghini Urus inside and out.

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