Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1265. If you mention three units, replace them with new ones if they crash.

Yi Tong walked up to Jiang Dong quickly with cheerful and light steps, and hugged Jiang Dong's arm like a baby, "Just this red one, it looks good no matter what!"

"Then take it!" Yi Tong is optimistic about it, so Jiang Dong will naturally have no objection.

Seeing Jiang Dong make the decision, the group of salesmen seemed to instantly transform into financial wolves, surrounding Jiang Dong and Yi Tong, serving coffee and fruit, which is called attentiveness.

"Sir, the price of our car is 2.9 million dragon national coins, but you need to choose some decorations to buy this car." A middle-aged woman who looked like a foreman stood up and began to introduce it to Jiangdong. What you need to know about buying a Lamborghini.

Just like a normal luxury car, if you want to buy a car, you have to buy decorations. This is the routine of 4S stores, bundled sales!

Yes, it can be understood as compulsory consumption!

But what they are playing is a word game. They don’t tell you how much you will pay. They just tell you that when you pick up the car, you have to choose decorations. If you don’t choose decorations, you can’t pick up the car.

What does a shop bully a customer?

Let’s not talk about the Lamborghini 4S store, let’s talk about the Porsche 4S store. After entering it once, you can fully feel the oppression brought by those four words!

"Wait a minute..." Jiang Dong waved his hand, interrupting the foreman manager. Then, Jiang Dong calmly took out a contract from the virtual package and handed it to the foreman manager, "Talk to me after reading this." , I’ll show her the car first.”

After saying that, Jiang Dong put his arms around Yi Tong's slender waist and squeezed out of the encirclement under the stunned gazes of the salesmen.

Let Jiangdong increase the price?

What a joke!

The shop, the horse, and the horse all belong to him!

"How are your driving skills? Do you want to keep all three Urus? It will also make it easier for you to change cars after a collision!" Jiang Dong said proudly.

I bought three Lamborghini Urus of the same model and different colors in one go, just because I was worried that Yi Tong’s driving skills were not good, and I was afraid that Yi Tong would be hit and there would be no car to drive. What kind of logic is this?

"Don't you ever hear that you should keep a low profile when you go out and don't show your wealth?" Yi Tong pinched Jiang Dong hard and whispered in Jiang Dong's ear.

Looking at Yi Tong's cautious look, Jiang Dong couldn't help but laugh, "There's no need to be low-key about spending money. The key is that we are really rich!"

"Aren't you afraid of being stared at?"

"Don't be afraid!" Jiang Dong said casually: "You don't know how capable I am of fighting!"

Jiangdong is not bragging, he has been a killer. He has killed several people. Who dares to rob him?

Isn't that the old birthday star who hanged himself because he thought his life was too long?

"Okay! Even if you can fight! Then we can't waste money, right?" Yi Tong taught Jiang Dong righteously, "Although I don't know where your money comes from, but we can't waste it, right? After all, No one’s money comes from strong winds, right? Why do we need to buy three cars? Buying one is already my bottom line, I just drive carefully!”

"My money really came from the strong wind!" This was Jiang Dong's inner monologue, but he did not dare to say it out and asked Yi Tong to continue to teach him.

Seeing that Jiang Dong stopped talking, Yi Tong thought Jiang Dong had accepted her suggestion, and the corners of her mouth turned up involuntarily, "That's right! Be good!"

After saying that, Yi Tong even touched Jiang Dong's head...

But at this moment, the foreman manager ran over in a panic...

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