"Most clothes are like this, but some luxury clothes are not like this..." Jiang Dong told Yi Tong the incident about "disposable luxury goods", and Yi Tong was stunned.

"Oh my God! The world of rich people is so simple and unpretentious!" Yi Tong kept exclaiming as if a door to a new world had been opened.

"You have to learn to adapt to this life now and accept it in the end."

"I can't do it..."

"You can try it."

Jiang Dong and Yi Tong walked into Yida Plaza talking and laughing. The first stop was the men's clothing area on the sixth floor, and Jiang Dong also chose Louis Vuitton as always.

Louis Vuitton's beauty salesperson looked at Jiang Dong and Yi Tong calmly, and then she smiled as brightly as the sun because she saw the watch on Jiang Dong's wrist...

"Distinguished guests, welcome to Louis Vuitton! I'm very pleased with your service." The beautiful shopping guide greeted Jiang Dong and Yi Tong with a bright smile.

"Thank you!" Yi Tong said her thanks cautiously.

This is really the first time for Yi Tong to come to this kind of luxury store, because her family conditions are not enough to support her such consumption, and Yi Tong is not the kind of woman who loves vanity, let alone the kind of woman who wants to buy something for someone. Brand-name bags are the kind that go directly to the nude.

And Lin Su, she also cherished Yi Tong as a friend, so Lin Su never brought Yi Tong here because she was afraid of Yi Tong's inner conflict.

I have to say that Lin Su is like this. If he is good to you, he will do his best to be good to you. If he doesn't like you, he will not like you no matter what.

Yi Tong and Jiang Dong were these two types of friends in Lin Su's heart.

"Madam, you are so kind. It is my honor to serve these two distinguished guests." The beautiful saleswoman is very good at talking, because she knows that Jiangdong is a real buyer, not just hanging out at Louis Vuitton to look for presence. That kind of person.

"Okay, don't be polite. Just go and find me some new sets of summer clothes and autumn clothes according to my size, and a few pairs of shoes." Jiangdong waved his hand towards the sales, who immediately followed Jiang Dong's instructions. He ordered and started to get busy.

In fact, Jiangdong doesn't like that kind of deliberately low-key manner.

He is rich, he is a powerful person, why should he deliberately pretend to be low-key?

When you reach the realm of Jiangdong, low-key and high-profile are no longer important. What matters is comfort!

If Louis Vuitton is comfortable, then you should always wear Louis Vuitton. If streetwear is comfortable, then you should always wear streetwear. Do everything casually, do whatever you want, that's it.

The shopping guide was helping Jiang Dong match clothes, while Jiang Dong took Yi Tong to wander around Louis Vuitton.

"Oh my god! Just a half-sleeved T-shirt costs 7,500?"

"What are these pants made of? How dare you sell them for 14,000?"

"And this bag, is it embellished with gold? Why should I buy it for 50,000 yuan?"

Yi Tong whispered repeatedly, because the consumption level here was beyond Yi Tong's cognitive range.

"Luxury products are all about being expensive. There are too many nouveau riche and people who love to pretend to be in the Dragon Kingdom. They don't choose the right ones but choose the expensive ones. That's why these foreign luxury brands are going crazy to the Dragon Kingdom. They also created some products specially supplied by the Dragon Kingdom, which simply made the people of the Dragon Kingdom pay an IQ tax!" Jiang Dong curled his lips.

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