"Then you still buy it?" Yi Tong glared at Jiang Dong and added, "You prodigal kid!"

"I just feel comfortable wearing it." Jiang Dong commented calmly: "I don't feel comfortable wearing Dior clothes. I will never buy clothes from Dior again!"

"Why don't you try domestic products? Our domestic brands are also very good now!" Yi Tong suggested.

"Okay! You can go shopping on the domestic products floor later!" Jiang Dong happily accepted, then pointed to the bags with the large Louis Vuitton logo on the booth, and asked Yi Tong: "Choose a few more, these This time you go shopping, you don’t just want to buy me clothes, I also want to give you some!”

"I don't want it!" Yi Tong shook his head repeatedly, "My bag is made of first-layer cowhide. It costs more than three hundred yuan and is very durable!"

"Whether you use it or not is your business, but whether you buy it or not is my business!" Jiang Dong said seriously: "As your boyfriend, I have the obligation to give you a gift!"

"Didn't you already give me a car? These luxury goods are really not suitable for me!" Yi Tong firmly refused.

Jiang Dong didn't speak, just stared at Yi Tong.

Yi Tong knew Jiang Dong's eyes very well, just like when he bought a car!

"Let's do this!" Yi Tong sighed helplessly. Jiangdong was good at everything, but he was too chauvinistic. No one could persuade him to come back to what he believed in. "We'll go shopping on other floors later. I still feel that Domestic products are more suitable for me.”

"That's okay!" Jiang Dong also knew Yi Tong very well, and he knew that this was Yi Tong's biggest concession.

While the two were chatting, the shopping guides had already matched seven or eight sets of clothes and four pairs of shoes... Yes, they are the shopping guides, because a big customer like Jiangdong who definitely has purchasing potential deserves to be brought along by the shopping guides Serve!

"Sir, please try on this suit. I think it matches your temperament very well!"

"Sir, look at this pair of shoes, our latest Louis Vuitton model, and it's also a limited edition!"

"These trousers are our new fall product from Louis Vuitton. The fabric is soft and skin-friendly, and they are very comfortable to wear!"

The shopping guides chatted around Jiangdong, looking at the posture, as if they wanted to serve Jiangdong and change his clothes...

Although Jiang Dong came with his girlfriend, and these shopping guides are all self-aware and know that they are not as good as Yi Tong in all aspects, but who stipulates that young and promising Shenhao cannot have a mistress?

If you don't want to be the empress of the palace, it's not bad to be a partial concubine. If that doesn't work, you can always be a nobleman and make promises, right?

Jiang Dong understood the little thoughts of the shopping guides, and so did Yi Tong, which caused Yi Tong to have dark faces in the city and glare at Jiang Dong angrily.

Finally, Jiang Dong waved his hand and took a set of clothes and shoes to the fitting room. After putting on a new outfit, he discarded the old ones. As for the other sets of clothes, he packed them up without even trying them on. Ask the store to arrange delivery to Jiangdong's dormitory.

Jiang Dong's performance finally made Yi Tong smile.

However, Yi Tong didn't seem to want to stay here for a second, so she dragged Jiang Dong to check out, and left Louis Vuitton after paying.

"Really! I'm still here! Look at those sales, what do you want to do?" Yi Tong muttered in a low voice while twisting the flesh on Jiang Dong's arm.

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