Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1297 Subverting Dongpu District (Part 2)

Jiang Dong glanced at Mr. Wang lightly, with that look, it was as if he was looking at a fool...

Jiang Dong's look made Prince Wang feel an unprecedented humiliation. This was definitely the first time that Prince Wang had encountered such a situation in his life!

"Am I wrong?" Mr. Wang said with a cold face and a deep voice.

From the moment he got off the plane, Mr. Wang didn't get along easily. He was pressed to the ground and rubbed by Jiang Dong almost the whole time!

who is he?


Known as the number one young man in the Dragon Kingdom!

Doesn't he want to lose face?

At this time, Mr. Wang finally couldn't bear it any more. If he hadn't been concerned about Jiang Dong's energy and Tian Yuhao's face, Mr. Wang would have turned against him a long time ago. There would be no way he would still be sitting here arguing with Jiang Dong!

Jiang Dong still had that contemptuous look in his eyes. He only stayed on Mr. Wang for a moment, and then fell directly on Tian Yuhao... Jiang Dong chose to ignore Mr. Wang. This is definitely the biggest insult so far for Mr. Wang!

Prince Wang was about to have a seizure, but he heard Jiang Dong say lightly: "Have you heard the story of Li Jiacheng in Hong Kong Island? That incident in Sichuan Province!"

"Brother Dong said, take the land and hold it still?" Tian Yuhao suddenly realized.

"Yes!" Jiang Dong gave Tian Yuhao an appreciative look, "When I hold a certain amount of land in my hands, I will first promote it in a big way, and then directly find a microphone and make it clear that Li Linhai is in Dongpu District One day, I won’t work for a day!”

"On the contrary, while I am acquiring land in Dongpu District, I will also acquire land in several other districts of Shanghai. I will officially enter the real estate industry, and I will work everywhere!"

"While increasing the performance of other districts, suppress Li Linhai, put pressure on the superiors, and have a showdown with the Tang family. Isn't the Tang family's first-class Tangchen very awesome? My goal is to make the first-class Tangchen Kick him from his position as the leading real estate company in Shanghai!"

"Some of my industries in Dongpu District, including Yangyun Aman and the automobile chain industry, will be moved to other districts. Anyway, I must be firm. I have money and I can promote the magic. All economic development, but wherever Li Linhai is, I will not promote it..."

"Do you think Li Linhai can withstand the pressure in the end?"

After saying the last sentence, Jiang Dong couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. It could be seen that he was very confident in his plan!

There is a saying that Jiangdong's plan is a bit arrogant, but it is for ordinary rich people. It is not difficult for a tycoon like Jiangdong to sign in two billion a day!

If the second task released by the system can be completed in the next few days, the funds Jiangdong has will increase exponentially. By then, not to mention subverting Dongpu District, it will even subvert Longguo. Economy, so what?

"Brother Dong! I support you!" Tian Yuhao made a decision directly, "This time, I will go all out, and when necessary, I will use all the energy of the Tiandi Group! To be honest, before coming to the magic city this time, the old man has given I’ve confessed, as long as I am willing to inherit the family property and take charge of the Tiandi Group, then I can do whatever I want!”

Tian Yuhao's father, Tian Xing, did say this. Of course, even if Tian Yuhao would be impulsive, Tian Xing would never be impulsive. He had already reached the point where he was calm and calm in times of crisis.

The reason why Tian Xing dared to make such a confession to Tian Yuhao was because he believed in Jiang Dong's ability. In other words, Tian Xing believed in Jiang Qitian's son more than he believed in Jiang Dong!

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