"Your old man is really interesting..." Jiang Dong took a deep look at Tian Yuhao.

Jiang Dong had already made up his mind that it was necessary to go to Longjing again to meet Tian Xing...

"If you have a chance, let's meet. My old man also wants to meet you!" Tian Yuhao laughed, then turned to look at Mr. Wang, "Brother Wang, please tell me, now Brother Dong and I are going to join forces to enter the real estate industry. Realm, this is your family’s property, do you want to express your opinion?”

Tian Yuhao's attitude is already very firm. If Mr. Wang continues to stand firm, the two of them are likely to become enemies in the future!

As long as it enters the real estate industry, it is impossible to bypass Yida Consortium, one of the top five business empires in Dragon Kingdom!

"Are you going to be my enemy?" Prince Wang stared at Tian Yuhao meaningfully.

"Brother Wang, I don't want to be your enemy, but I can't let the opportunity to make a lot of money slip away from my hands, right?" At this moment, Tian Yuhao turned back to the person he was when he first met Jiang Dong, a standard capitalist. Image, "We are capital, what is the purpose of capital? Make money! We are no longer children. If one day Tiandi Group and Yida Consortium meet, I believe you will not hesitate to choose to take action against me. of!"

Tian Yuhao's words can be said to have unveiled the last fig leaf of capital...

In the eyes of real capital, there is no friendship, let alone love and family affection, only interests!

"What you said is wrong. We are capital, but we are also capital with emotions. Money is just wool?" Jiang Dong pulled back Tian Yuhao's words. It was not because of Mr. Wang, Jiang Dong was mainly afraid of Yi Tong. Misunderstand.

After saying this, Jiang Dong glanced at Yi Tong, but Yi Tong's face did not change as Jiang Dong imagined. She didn't even raise her eyelids, she was just fighting with the Boston lobster on the table...

This can only mean one thing. Yi Tong truly has unconditional trust in Jiang Dong!

Seeing Yi Tong like this, Jiang Dong couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The prince on the other side fell into deep contemplation...

In recent times, e-sports teams have not performed well. After winning a championship, they plummeted.

The live broadcast industry is also in a slump, and he is almost ignored by those shareholders.

In fact, when Mr. Wang came to the Magic City with Tian Yuhao this time, he mainly wanted to cooperate with Jiang Dong and start some projects to recover his losses. If possible, it would be best to let him switch to the second spring.

However, because of his so-called temptation, Jiangdong was very dissatisfied with him and targeted him everywhere, which also caused him to deviate more and more from his original track...

It is true that Jiangdong's plan to "subvert Dongpu District" gave Prince Wang hope. As long as it succeeds, Dongpu District's future policies will definitely favor Jiangdong!

For capital, the policy bias is actually the best interest!

To be honest, Prince Wang was really tempted, but he couldn't let go and didn't want to give in to Jiang Dong...

But Prince Wang suddenly remembered what Tian Yuhao said just now...

They are capital!

Capital that puts profit first!


The one who rides the horse makes money, and he has all his dignity and respect!

With this in mind, Prince Wang also made up his mind, gave in, and joined Jiangdong!

"Young Master Jiang..." Mr. Wang finally spoke, and his attitude was very humble.

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