As soon as Mr. Wang spoke, everyone turned their heads and fixed their gazes on him.

Even Yi Tong subconsciously stopped fighting with his hands and mouth, blinking at him curiously.

"I think there may be some misunderstandings between us, but it doesn't matter. With Yuhao in the middle, those small misunderstandings will definitely be nothing!" Mr. Wang sneered, "How can we enter the real estate industry without me? ? Our family started out in real estate!"

Frankly speaking, Jiang Dong is definitely the first to be able to make the proud prince say these words!

This can be seen from Tian Yuhao's shocked expression!

"Hahaha!" Tian Yuhao laughed immediately and began to act as a peacemaker, "Brother Dong, Brother Wang, if you two join forces, it will be a strong alliance. It is simply the rhythm of gods blocking gods and demons slaying demons. ah!"

"Since Prince Wang is interested in cooperating, we can discuss it in detail." Jiang Dong smiled lightly, showing neither joy nor dissatisfaction, as if everything was under his control.

Jiang Dong's attitude made Prince Wang secretly frightened. At such a young age, he has such a state of mind. He will definitely not be a thing in the pool in the future!

The dignified prince felt a secret joy in his heart at this moment. He was secretly happy that he had not completely broken up with Jiang Dong!

"Since we have reached a cooperation, Mr. Jiang might as well say it directly. Isn't the most important thing in cooperation is to treat each other with sincerity?" Mr. Wang raised his water glass, saluted Jiang Dong from afar, and drank it in one gulp.

Although the glass is filled with juice, at this time, the glass of juice should be regarded as wine.

The most important thing is that if the prince can take the initiative to raise his glass and toast with a low profile, Jiangdong will be very proud!

So, here comes the question, why was the dignified Prince Wang intimidated by Jiang Dong?

There is no other way, I can only say that Jiangdong’s is actually too big, and it has the momentum to see all the mountains!

Are the six major families in Magic City dissatisfied?

Then let’s fight together!

Yida Consortium also wants to make some plans?


With this kind of momentum, to be honest, Dragon Kingdom doesn’t even have two horses!

Don't say that someone with nothing dares to make such a noise. After all, there is an old saying that those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes...

It’s too whimsical to think so!

First of all, it depends on what formation they are in and what kind of shoes they are passing on. For second-generation people like Wang Gongzi and Tian Yuhao, if there is a person with nothing who pretends to be like this and makes such a noise, he will probably disappear after pretending to be like that. …

"You're welcome, Mr. Wang!" Jiang Dong raised his glass and saluted Mr. Wang in return.

After all, the name of Prince Wang is so famous in the Dragon Kingdom. Since he has given in, Jiangdong must give him some steps to get down, right?

"Come on! Brother Dong, tell me your plan!" Tian Yuhao actually didn't know what caused the unpleasantness between the two, but now that the two have reconciled, this is the best result for Tian Yuhao, "Since We have already formed an alliance, should we give it a louder name? Iron Triangle? It’s too tacky!”

"It's called...Challenger Alliance!" Jiang Dong said meaningfully: "Because everything we will do in the future will be a major event that subverts the world. It is no exaggeration to say that we are challenging the world, including Penguin, including Ahri, including Hengda, and even Yida from Wang Gongzi’s family!”

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