Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 503 Playing in the palm of your hand (Part 2)

After hearing Xiong Xiaotian's words, Jiang Dong smiled disapprovingly, and then put the dice cup on the gaming table, and the series of crisp and rhythmic sounds came to an abrupt end.

"Huh!" Xiong Xiaotian snorted coldly, then took out a chip of 100,000 and threw it on the word "small", "I bet small! Let's open!"

The reason why Xiong Xiaotian dared to fight Jiangdong alone here is entirely because dice is one of the items that are relatively difficult to get thousands of dollars. Although Xiong Xiaotian didn't think that the young Jiang Dong would be cheating, but he still kept an eye out. In the end, he chose to have a bloody battle with Jiangdong at this gambling table.

Jiang Dong smiled slightly, and opened the dice cup disapprovingly. The points of the three sieves were one, two, and four, totaling seven points, which was exactly small.

Xiong Xiaotian won!

"Hahaha!" Xiong Xiaotian raised his head and laughed loudly: "You hot chick! I thought you had two brushes, but you are an idiot? 0.9 for 1, get the money!"

"No change." Jiang Dong smiled and pointed to the minimum one-million-level chips at hand, and said this sentence.

Not very harmful, but extremely insulting!

The chips in Xiong Xiaotian's hands are only one million in total, and Jiang Dong's chips with the smallest denomination are already one million, which clearly means stepping on Xiong Xiaotian!

"I'm riding a horse..." Xiong Xiaotian's good mood only lasted for a moment, and then he was completely suppressed by Jiang Dong, but he was still unable to refute.

"Owe! Fuck!" Xiong Xiaotian took the dice cup from the gaming table cursingly, and said angrily, "This time it's me who rolls the dice!"

"Please start your performance." Jiang Dong raised his hand towards Xiong Xiaotian with a smile, indicating that he can start.

"I will let you die today without a place to bury you!" Xiong Xiaotian rolled the dice with great confidence.

Although his movements and techniques didn't look as professional as Jiang Dong's, they were passable.

The most important thing is that Jiangdong lost the last game, which made Xiong Xiaotian feel contemptuous, including the group of gamblers, who also regarded Jiangdong as a vase with nothing but ostentation...

"Hmph..." Xiong Xiaotian shook the dice cup a few times, then slapped the dice cup on the gaming table, and waved his hand carelessly, "Let's bet!"

Jiang Dong looked at the "big" and "small" on the gambling table with some hesitation, as if he didn't know which side to bet on.

In fact, Jiang Dong has already heard the formation of the three dice in the dice cup. Don't ask, it is the ability given to him by proficiency in gambling!

"Fuck! Can you hurry up?" Xiong Xiaotian shouted impatiently.

"Then, let's go big!" Jiang Dong directly pushed the 10 million chips in his hand to the word "big".

In an instant, the audience was stunned.


As the banker, Xiong Xiaotian's principal is only 1 million, including the 90,000 that he won against Jiangdong just now, it is only 1.09 million. Jiangdong directly bet 10 million, which is not enough to pay at all!

Again, the harm is not high, but the insult is extremely strong!

Many gamblers couldn't help snickering.

Hearing the continuous laughter all around, Xiong Xiaotian's lungs were about to explode from Jiangdong's anger!

There must be a limit to humiliating people, okay?

This stepping on a horse is completely humiliating without a bottom line!

Is it addictive to step on people?

"What on earth do you want?" Xiong Xiaotian's whole body was trembling, and he pointed at Jiang Dong and cursed angrily.

"What do I want? I don't want to do anything!" Jiang Dong shrugged innocently, pointing to the 10 million chips on the gaming table, "That's what it means on the table! What's wrong? Young Master Xiong can't handle it anymore? Think Do you admit it?"

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