Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 504 Playing in the palm of your hand (Part 2)

"Lying grass!" Xiong Xiaotian really wanted to rush over and tear Jiangdong alive, but unfortunately he didn't dare, and he didn't have the strength.

"Don't get excited." Jiang Dong waved his hand with a smile, "What if you win? Then my 10 million is yours. After all, you are the banker, aren't you?"

When Xiong Xiaotian heard what Jiang Dong said, he was right!

Winning and losing are 50% each, let's not talk about losing, just say winning, that's 10 million, Xiong Xiaotian, the second generation whose economy has been restricted, has zero resistance to 10 million!

Is Xiong Xiaotian too impulsive?

Don't be impulsive, gamblers are like this, always thinking about making a big fortune with a small amount, always thinking about making money next time, always thinking about getting rich!

Jiang Dong just saw Xiong Xiaotian's mentality, so he played with Xiong Xiaotian like this!

Undoubtedly, Xiong Xiaotian was shaken, Jiang Dong succeeded, Xiong Xiaotian was completely manipulated by Jiang Dong!

So, gambling should never be touched, no matter if it is an ordinary person or a second generation...

"Bet the big one, right? Good! I'll take it!" Xiong Xiaotian roared vigorously, including his flushed face, everything showed that he was very excited and excited now.

With a flick of his arm, Xiong Xiaotian opened the dice cup, and the numbers of the three dice came into everyone's eyes... Four five six, fifteen o'clock, big!

"Lying on the grass!" Xiong Xiaotian sat down on the chair in fright, his clothes soaked in cold sweat instantly, his eyes were full of despair, and he stared blankly at the three sieves in the dice cup.

10 million bet big, with an odds of 0.9, Xiong Xiaotian will pay Jiangdong 9 million in this round!

How can he have so much money?

Xiong Xiaotian is desperate, but in fact, he is not desperate, because he intends to renege on his debt!

However, just when Xiong Xiaotian was about to act recklessly, Jiang Dong unexpectedly spoke up...

"Give you another chance?" Jiang Dong looked at Xiong Xiaotian with a smile, "Let's play again, you win, and the 9 million gambling debt is wiped out, and my 10 million chips are also yours. If you lose, just pay normally I'll do."

Jiang Dong did this not because he was afraid of Xiong Xiaotian's refusal, but mainly because he didn't win 10 million just now!

If he didn't win 10 million, even if he didn't complete the system task, how could he give up?

However, these words have another meaning in Xiong Xiaotian's ears...

Jiangdong pretends to beep, Chiguoguo pretends to beep!

However, Xiong Xiaotian likes Jiangdong's way of pretending to beep!

If you win, it will be 19 million. If you lose, you can just pay Jiangdong normally. It is exactly the kind of card with double points. How can Xiong Xiaotian not be tempted?

"Riding on the horse!" Xiong Xiaotian jumped up from the chair as if he had gained strength in an instant, and regained his previous arrogant arrogance, pointing at Jiang Dong and scolding: "You dig the hole by yourself, don't blame me This young master is cruel and merciless!"

"I don't blame you, come on." Jiang Dong smiled mysteriously. Xiong Xiaotian had been seen through by Jiang Dong a long time ago. He was the kind who knew everything well. Playing with him was like teasing the mentally handicapped. There was no challenge at all.

After speaking, Jiang Dong picked up the dice cup and began to shake it lightly. After only a few back and forth, he put the dice cup back on the gaming table.

"I'm riding a horse for a million, and I'm betting big!" Xiong Xiaotian pushed all the chips in front of him to the word "big".

"You just bet one million?" Jiang Dong blinked and looked at Xiong Xiaotian.

"Hehe!" Xiong Xiaotian sneered and said, "You said just now that I won, 9 million debts were forgiven, and your 10 million chips are also mine, but you didn't say how many chips I should bet? Right? Hahaha !"

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