Xiong Xiaotian laughed wildly, as if he had caught Jiang Dong's Achilles' heel and gave him a fatal blow, he was beyond description.

No wonder Xiong Xiaotian is proud, he is completely equivalent to opening a 20 times points card!

All of a sudden, everyone around the gaming table cast envious glances at Xiong Xiaotian.

"Okay!" Jiang Dong shrugged indifferently.

In an instant, everyone turned their attention to Jiang Dong again.

Knowing that Xiong Xiaotian took advantage of the loophole, but still so calm?

Could it be that there is no certainty of victory?

At the gambling table, how could one be sure of winning!

"What?" Xiong Xiaotian was also affected by Jiang Dong's actions, he frowned subconsciously, and even became a little weak inside.

Not giving Xiong Xiaotian a chance to talk nonsense at all, Jiang Dong directly opened the dice cup, and it was impressive, one two two, small!

"Fuck!" Xiong Xiaotian kicked over the chair and cursed angrily.

In this game, he lost, not only failed to get what he wanted, but also lost his 1 million small coffers, by the way, and the previous 9 million debts!

But... wait a minute!

Jiangdong lost 90,000 to him in the first game, which means that Jiangdong has to win another 90,000 to complete the system task!

However, Jiang Dong didn't regret it, because the previous loss to Xiong Xiaotian was intentional by Jiang Dong, in order to plant another seed in Xiong Xiaotian's heart...

But the gamblers around were not calm anymore.

Use 19 million to wager 1 million?

If this guy isn't crazy, he's the God of Gamblers!

The God of Gamblers who has absolute self-confidence and is sure that he will not lose!

In an instant, the eyes of everyone looking at Jiangdong became extremely complicated and terrified!

Unknowingly, the gamblers in the casino gathered around, and the other gaming tables became empty in an instant. This scene was an unprecedented event!

"Don't get excited, let's play another game?" Jiang Dong started to lure Xiong Xiaotian, "I will give you another chance, you win, the debt is forgiven, and my 11 million chips are also yours, but you lost, Just erase the 90,000 I owed you before."

As soon as Jiang Dong's words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Use 20 million to fight for 90,000?

This stepping on a horse is completely against the sky!

This time, I changed directly from the 20 times point card to the 200 times point card!


Or the God of Gamblers?

In an instant, everyone looked at Jiang Dong with horror in their eyes...

As for Xiong Xiaotian, 90,000 bets for 20 million, as long as he has breath, he can't refuse this kind of bet!

"Fuck! I'm going to kill you today!" Xiong Xiaotian instantly revived with full blood, stepped on the chair beside him with one foot, and grabbed the dice cup aggressively like a big man who pointed out the country, and began to shake it.

After a few rounds, the dice cup fell to the ground.

"Bet it!" Xiong Xiaotian laughed coldly, it seemed that Jiang Dong was completely settled.

"Small." Jiang Dong looked at Xiong Xiaotian with a smile, and raised his hand to point to the word "Small" on the gambling table.

In fact, Jiang Dong not only knew that the sum of the dice in the dice cup was small, but he also knew that it was a three-two leopard.

It's just that Jiang Dong didn't bother to play this beep, it was completely meaningless.

"Hahaha! Stupid beep! I'm going to teach you how to be a man today..." Xiong Xiaotian laughed wildly, and opened the dice cup.

At this moment, Xiong Xiaotian's wild laughter stopped abruptly...

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