This black boxing arena is currently in the hands of Xiong Dafa, and the price is 75 million. Of course, if Xiong Dafa wants to make a move, Zhao Gang and other rich people will still unite and bid 100 million to buy it.

"Use the equity transfer card!" Jiang Dong used the equity transfer card on the Black Fist Fighting Arena without hesitation.

"The equity transfer card has been successfully used, and the Black Fist Arena has been transferred to the host." The cold system prompt echoed Jiang Dong.

However, Jiang Dong didn't feel anything unusual.

Could it be that it failed?

It shouldn't be!

How could the system fail?

Just when Jiang Dong was hesitating, his mobile phone suddenly rang with a rush of ringtones, and it was Xiong Dafa who called.

As soon as Jiang Dong answered the phone, Xiong Dafa yelled angrily, "Jiang Dong! How dare you bully me?"

"What the hell am I doing to you?" Jiang Dong was a little taken aback, but after thinking about it, the system must be working hard.

"There is a problem with the contract you signed with me! The black boxing arena is still yours!" Xiong Dafa's anger has reached an uncontrollable stage, and Jiang Dong can even imagine his hideous appearance and spitting spit at this time image.

The cow beeped the system!

It really is the system working hard to change the contract!

The black boxing fighting arena is back in Jiangdong's hands!

"What does this have to do with me? It's your legal team that has a problem!" Jiang Dong laughed jokingly.

The fuse of everything in the black boxing arena finally returned to Jiang Dong's hands. This unexpected joy also made Jiang Dong more confident in his upcoming plan!

To put it bluntly, the best catalyst is already in place!

Jiang Dong, who was still waiting for the east wind, no longer has any worries!

The matter of Wu Cheng will soon be over.

"Fart!" Xiong Dafa's emotions were completely out of control, "Jiang, I will never die with you!"

The multifaceted blows have brought Xiong Dafa's emotions to the brink of collapse. The change of owner in the black boxing arena is the last straw that breaks the camel's back!

"You scared me to death." Jiang Dong curled his lips and smiled disdainfully.

Too lazy to talk nonsense with Xiong Da, Jiang Dong hung up the phone directly.

Still dying?

Just based on the current Xiong Dafa, does he have the qualifications to say such things to Jiang Dong?

Wanting to make Xiong Dafa disappear, for Jiangdong today, it really shouldn't be too simple!

Jiang Dong was naturally in a good mood after he successfully brought back the Black Boxing Arena, but he was still waiting for a call...

Afterwards, Jiang Dong drove Alpha to Dongjiang Group.

If all goes well, Jiangdong will go to the capital in a few days, and he and Shen Xiulian are destined to be separated for a while, so why not spend more time with Shen Xiulian while Jiangdong is still in Wucheng.

After the reorganization, the Dongjiang Group swept away the past decline and was reborn from the ashes with a vigorous attitude.

Every employee in the company is busy and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

The most important thing is that Dongjiang Group's internal customers even surpass the number of employees, and it seems to be the leading enterprise in Wucheng's decoration industry!

Jiang Dong quietly walked into the Dongjiang Group, and everyone was busy, so naturally no one cared about him.

Even if they saw Jiang Dong, they knew Jiang Dong's identity, so they simply said hello, and went to work on their own.

Jiang Dong was happy to be at leisure, and went to Shen Xiulian's office on his own.

In the office, Shen Xiulian was extremely busy. Not only was her lunch boxed, but she hadn't even touched it. She just lay quietly on the table. Judging by the situation, it should be completely cold...

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