"Mom!" Jiang Dong called softly, finally drawing Shen Xiulian's attention away from the computer screen.

"Xiaodong, why are you here?" Shen Xiulian put down her work and looked at Jiangdong suspiciously.

"That's what I said, so I can't come?" Jiang Dong smiled, walked to the other side of the desk, and sat opposite Shen Xiulian.

"You child!" Shen Xiulian looked at Jiang Dong, her eyes were full of doting, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Didn't you eat it too? Let's go together!" Jiang Dong opened the lunch box while talking.

There are four dishes of meat and vegetables, and the amount of rice is also increased, which is enough for the mother and son to eat. Anyway, both of them have worries and have no appetite.

Jiang Dong and Shen Xiulian ate and chatted, even though the food was cold, it didn't prevent the mother and son from chatting about family affairs.

Shen Xiulian: "When do you plan to go to Shanghai?"

Jiang Dong: "Let's go for a few days! If there is no accident, we will leave in three days!"

Shen Xiulian: "That's right! Son! Where's your classmate? Ning Siqi, right?"

Jiang Dong: "What? Do you still remember her?"

"What's that called? I just think that little girl is very nice!" Shen Xiulian glared at Jiang Dong with a stern face, "Son, Mom tells you, in this day and age, it's not easy to find a good girl..."

"Wait..." Jiang Dong stared at Shen Xiulian dumbfounded. Since the last farewell, Shen Xiulian seemed to have changed, and the change was very big, "Mom! Did I hear you right? Are you asking me to fall in love? Or, I Do you think you want to get married now?"

"What's the matter? You're an adult too, and Mom isn't stubborn, it's normal, okay?" Shen Xiulian glared at Jiang Dong again.

"I think I got the wrong script..." Jiang Dong was speechless.

Shen Xiulian has really changed, but Jiang Dong hasn't changed.

"Stinky boy! What are you talking about?" Shen Xiulian said dissatisfiedly: "Why don't you choose a time these few days and invite the little girl's family members out for a meal with the two of us?"

"No!" Jiang Dong shook his head, staring at Shen Xiulian vigilantly, "Mom, tell me the truth, what exactly do you want to do?"

Shen Xiulian's change made Jiang Dong feel very abrupt and somewhat unacceptable.

He hasn't finished college yet, so he really plans to arrange a marriage for Jiang Dong?

It is a good thing for parents to be enlightened, but Jiang Dong read an elusive emotion from Shen Xiulian's eyes. This feeling is like... arranging the funeral in advance!

This is not a good omen!

"What can I do? You child, you are too sensitive!" Shen Xiulian glared at Jiang Dong again.

Although Shen Xiulian concealed it very well, she still couldn't escape Jiang Dong's keen insight, especially after being prepared, Jiang Dong could see the elusive emotion hidden in Shen Xiulian's eyes for real!

"Mom!" Jiang Dong put down his chopsticks, and said to Shen Xiulian righteously: "No matter what you want to do, you must discuss it with me, okay?"

Jiangdong only has Shen Xiulian as a close relative, and he absolutely does not allow any accidents to happen to Shen Xiulian, and he does not even want to let Shen Xiulian touch any risky things!

This is Jiangdong's bottom line and Jiangdong's belief!

"Why is this kid talking nonsense all the time?" Shen Xiulian pulled her hair back from her forehead and smiled lovingly, "Hurry up and eat!"

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