Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 537 Meeting Chen Ningning by chance

These few things have left a deep impression on Ning Siqi, who is not deeply involved in the world. She is like many ignorant girls who don't know what love is. She only knows that as long as Jiang Dong is by her side, she will feel at ease. , have an unprecedented sense of security, it's that simple.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first." Jiang Dong saw that Ning Siqi didn't intend to speak, and he didn't want to make the atmosphere so awkward, so he simply stood up and prepared to go out.

"Jiangdong..." Ning Siqi subconsciously called out to Jiangdong.

"Is there something wrong?" Jiang Dong turned sideways and looked at Ning Siqi suspiciously.

"It's okay!" Ning Siqi gave Jiang Dong a hard look, and sat back on the sofa angrily, not looking at him anymore.

Jiang Dong blinked his eyes inexplicably.

It seems that he doesn't know why she is angry...

In the end, Jiang Dong still left Ning Siqi's house.

Walking out of the blue sky home, Jiang Dong found that Zheng Yi, an unreliable guy, had already driven away. In desperation, Jiang Dong randomly swept a shared bicycle and wandered aimlessly in the long street of Wucheng.

Anyway, there is nothing to do now, and the funds can only be withdrawn to upgrade the system after the stock market closes at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and I should leave Wucheng almost the day after tomorrow. This period of time should be the most idle time since Jiangdong got the system.

Unknowingly, Jiang Dong rode a shared bicycle and came to a row of shops near Wucheng No. 1 Middle School. Intermittent voices came from the shop. There were voices in English, voices of explanations and reminders, about various subjects. Have.

This row of shops is very famous in Wucheng, the legendary tutoring street!

No lectures in get out of class, but tutoring after class, Longguo has its own characteristics, so there is no surprise.

What is really surprising is that these shops are all near the school, and the rent is not cheap, but so many cram schools can afford to rent the shops here, which can reflect from the side how profitable the tutoring business is...

Suddenly, a familiar figure came into Jiang Dong's eyes...

A tall girl with twin ponytails, wearing the school uniform of Wucheng No. 1 Middle School, sat on the steps outside a tutoring shop and listened. Well, it would be more appropriate to say that it was a sneak stop.

Jiang Dong curiously rode a spinning bike there, but suddenly discovered that this girl turned out to be that quirky little loli whom he met at the Angel Bar, Chen Ningning!

"What are you doing?" Jiang Dong stopped, and curiously asked Chen Ningning who was concentrating on solving a math problem.

Chen Ningning was so focused that she was taken aback by Jiang Dong's sudden words.

When she saw clearly that it was Jiang Dong, that pretty face full of collagen immediately filled with a surprised and delighted smile, "Brother Dong! Why are you here?"

"I'm hanging out!" Jiang Dong asked casually: "The door is closed, and the sound is intermittent. You are hiding at the door and eavesdropping, can you hear it?"

"It's okay! Give me some ideas and I'll be able to solve it!" Chen Ningning proudly placed the exercise booklet in front of Jiang Dong. It was densely written. After all, Chen Ningning's handwriting was beautiful.

"I can't tell, but you are still a good student?" Jiang Dong said unexpectedly.

"What? Isn't going to a bar a good student? What's more, I'm not going to fool around, I'm going to work!" Chen Ningning said cheerfully.

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