Jiang Dong: "Since it's a part-time job to make money for tutoring, why don't you go in and listen? The wine commission at the Angel Bar is quite a lot, right?"

"I can't afford the cram school, and the teacher doesn't take it seriously, so I can only come and listen. As for the money I earned from part-time jobs..." Chen Ningning smiled calmly, not feeling inferior at all, "Send them to the hospital for my dad I'm sick!"

"Uh..." Jiang Dong was at a loss for words for the first time, and at the same time, Chen Ningning was also the first person to touch Jiang Dong's heart.

Good-looking, good grades, sensible and well-behaved, most importantly, there is no trace of depression in her body, even if life has caused great harm to her, she will still embrace the cruel with a smile Reality.

To be honest, Jiang Dong admired this kind of mentality.

If there is no system, and Jiang Dong and Chen Ningning are swapped, Jiang Dong asks himself, it is impossible for him to have Chen Ningning's mentality.

"That's right!" Chen Ningning put away the exercise booklet, stood up directly, grabbed Jiang Dong's arm and said, "My mother said, if I have the chance to see you, I must take you home. Thank you for eating!"

"Eh? Take me home? Treat me to dinner?" Jiang Dong was a little confused.

Could it be, it's another play of recognizing the son-in-law?

This kind of drama, contacted twice, Jiang Dong said that he couldn't stand it!

Especially, how old is Chen Ningning?

16 years old?

It's a crime to step on a horse, right?

"Oh!" Chen Ningning's pretty face suddenly turned red, looking very attractive, "Brother Dong, don't be stressed, just to thank you for saving me that day. My family is poor and I can't afford to go to a restaurant, so I can only stay at home." We've had a meal!"

"I didn't think much about it...hehe..." Jiang Dong came back to his senses and couldn't help teasing Chen Ningning.

"Actually, it's okay for you to think too much... I'm going to be an adult soon..." Chen Ningning muttered softly, and she still used a voice that only she could hear clearly.

Jiang Dong: "What did you say?"

"It's okay!" Chen Ningning put her schoolbag on her back, and then grabbed Jiang Dong's clothes desperately, "You can't refuse, after all, you are my savior, you must go to my house to eat today!"

"Then... okay!" Anyway, it's okay, and Jiang Dong is also curious, there are thousands of poor people in the world, what kind of poor family can educate such a perfect child with such a mentality?

"Let's go!" Chen Ningning looked very happy, and sat sideways on the back seat of the shared bicycle.

Jiang Dong was riding a bicycle and carrying Chen Ningning. At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the ignorant time three years ago...

Jiang Dong and Chen Ningning didn't go far, when a group of fashionable young men with colorfully dyed hair came out of an alley.

"What's the origin of that kid? How dare he even make love to his sister-in-law?"

"Brother, I can't bear it!"

"A horse rider! Didn't you pay attention to the little overlord of Nanshan Road at all?"

"Brother! He looks down on you!"

A few spirited guys stared at Jiang Dong's receding back, and they started yelling and cursing each other.

The young man who was surrounded by these spirited guys at the core roared, "Get in the car! Chase! Those who ride horses, don't you dare to pay attention to me, the little bully of Nanshan Road?"

This man is wearing a leather jacket, cropped pants, shiny leather shoes, and a young man with mushroom hair. He looks like a fighting guy among the spirited guys!

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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