Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 539 I will give you time to call and shake people

With the order of the little bully on Nanshan Road, a group of spirited guys immediately circled into the alley, rode various motorcycles, and chased after Jiangdong, who hadn't gone far.

In an instant, the roar of the motor resounded throughout the area of ​​Wucheng No. 1 Middle School, but this kind of motor roar sounded like cheap goods...

Boom boom boom...

The roar of the motor resounded through the sky, and in the blink of an eye, Jiang Dong's shared bicycle was forced to stop, and Jiang Dong and Chen Ningning were surrounded in the center.

While twisting their motorcycles, the spirited boys made a "buzzing" sound, stared at Jiang Dong with unkind expressions, and started yelling.

"Boy, who are you on a horse? How dare you pick on my Zhang Zhou's horse?" Zhang Zhou, the fighting boy among the spirited boys, parked his seemingly insignificant motorcycle in front of Jiang Dong, extremely arrogant He roared: "You don't even ask who Lao Tzu is when you step on the horse?"

"Zhang Zhou!" Chen Ningning jumped off the shared taxi and stood in front of Jiang Dong, "Be careful with what you say, remember, we don't know each other well!"

"Ning Ning..." When Zhang Zhou saw Chen Ning Ning, a smile immediately appeared on his face, and he pointed to Jiang Dong and said, "This kind of guy looks like a soft-legged shrimp at first glance. He is not good enough for you, only me, The little overlord of Nanshan Road..."

"Shut up!" Chen Ningning's pretty face was as cold as ten thousand years of ice, "If you harass me again, I will call the police!"

Zhang Zhou: "Ningning..."

Zhang Zhou was interrupted by Jiang Dong before he finished speaking.

"If you chase her, just chase her well. There's no need to drag me in, right?" Jiang Dong looked at Zhang Zhou playfully, "Also, put your hand down, I don't like people pointing at me."

"Lying on the grass!"

"What are you riding a horse for?"

"How do you talk to the little overlord of Nanshan Road?"

"Believe it or not?"

As soon as Jiang Dong's words fell, Zhang Zhou's group of young horses started to yell. Seeing that, they wished they could swallow Jiang Dong alive.

"Boy, where are you on a horse? On Nanshan Road, no one dares to talk to me like that!" Zhang Zhou tilted his head, looked past Chen Ningning, stared directly at Jiang Dong, and pointed at Jiang Dong several times. Next, "Also, I just pointed at you, do you have an opinion?"

"Hehe!" Jiang Dong could tell that this group of people was clearly looking for trouble. If they don't settle down completely today, Chen Ningning's high school life will definitely face endless harassment.

To be honest, Jiang Dong really likes Chen Ningning, the kind of liking of his younger sister. After all, girls with such a good attitude are really rare, at least Jiang Dong has never seen one.

If such a good girl is ruined in the hands of these spicy chickens, Jiang Dong will not bear it.

"Laughing? Laughing at you!" Zhang Zhou was angry, "It won't be easy for anyone to come today, I will definitely abolish you today!"

"Shut up!" Chen Ningning gave Zhang Zhou a hard look, and then pulled Jiang Dong up, "Brother Dong, let's go, ignore him, there is something wrong with him!"

"It's okay, let me solve it!" Jiang Dong waved his hand with a smile. This kind of thing can't be solved by avoiding it. The best way to deal with bad guys is to use violence to control violence.

"You solve it? You are a few! Still solve it? Fuck! You don't know how powerful I am, the little overlord of Nanshan Road?" Zhang Zhou roared viciously, and then he roared arrogantly: "Don't say that!" I bully you, I will give you time to call and shake people, start your performance!"

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