"Xiaodong, this is unavoidable, a few hundred thousand is not a small amount..." Aunt Zhou panicked, she was complaining to Jiang Dong, because Jiang Dong came under the banner of Zhou Hai, "I actually want to talk to Shen's sister." Excuse me, but I can't open my mouth, your company has just started to operate..."

"Aunt Zhou, don't say anything, I'm rich!" Without further ado, Jiang Dong showed the balance of the bank text message to Aunt Zhou, and dispelled Aunt Zhou's last worry, "Don't think too much, This money is considered to be lent to your family by me, and when Haizi is successful in the future, I just ask him to pay me back, after all, saving lives is the most important thing, right?"

"Hey!" Aunt Zhou sighed heavily, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably, "Xiaodong, you are a good boy, and Xiaohai is truly blessed to have you as a friend."

Jiang Dong: "Aunt Zhou, quickly give me your bank card, I will transfer money to you, don't waste time, cancer is not a trivial matter!"

Aunt Zhou didn't refuse again, and handed Jiang Dong the bank card directly, after all, it was life-saving money.

Jiang Dong got Aunt Zhou's bank card, and without further ado, transferred two million. Aunt Zhou waved her hands and refused, saying that she would ask Jiang Dong to transfer the extra money back.

"Aunt Zhou, what if a few hundred thousand is not enough? That disease is not an ordinary disease! Besides, you keep the extra money for yourself. If you are wronged, I can't explain it to Haizi!" Jiang Dong said The bank card was put back in Aunt Zhou's hand, and she ran out of the guest room in one stride and returned to the third floor.

When Jiang Dong returned to his room and closed the door, the system notification sounded again, indicating that the Elite Level 1 Misfortune Card had been sent to the system package.

After taking a shower contentedly, Jiang Dong lay down on the big soft bed and fell into a deep sleep.

However, on the other side of Wucheng, there is a girl who can't fall asleep. She is holding a phone. Weixin's page is Jiangdong's chat box, but she doesn't have the courage to send even a single character. She is Ning Siqi!

"Is he asleep?"

"Should he leave tomorrow?"

"Damn Jiangdong! You didn't even contact me! Do you want a girl like me to contact you?"


"I won't contact you anymore!"

Ning Siqi turned off the phone in a fit of anger, and the pink silk covered her head.

That night, Ning Siqi stayed up all night.

Jiang Dong, on the other hand, was sound asleep.

Early the next morning, Jiang Dong was woken up by Shen Xiulian.

After a brief wash and dressing, Jiang Dong walked down the first floor.

In the dining room, Aunt Zhou had already prepared breakfast, but her eyes were a little red, obviously she had just cried.

"Boy, it's ok, there are more than 40 million assets in the account?" Shen Xiulian sat on the dining table and waved to Jiang Dong.

Undoubtedly, Aunt Zhou told Shen Xiulian what happened last night.

"Who told your son that I am young and promising?" Jiang Dong sat down opposite Shen Xiulian with a smile, and began to eat breakfast.

Shen Xiulian said to Jiang Dong seriously: "Son, I can warn you..."

"I know, you can't do anything that violates the law, and I really didn't do it!" Jiang Dong handed Shen Xiulian a reassuring smile, "My money has a clean source, Mom, don't ask, this is You promised me."

"Stinky boy..." Shen Xiulian was a little speechless, "Eat quickly, and go to school in Shanghai immediately after eating!"

"Okay!" Jiang Dong smiled and started to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, Jiang Dong got on the Mercedes-Benz G directly, said goodbye to Shen Xiulian and Aunt Zhou, and under Shen Xiulian's reluctant eyes, the Mercedes-Benz G slowly drove away from the rich man's villa area.

The next target, Modu!

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