Leaving Regal Villa, Jiang Dong didn't go directly to the expressway, but went to Jucai Finance in Wucheng Hotel.

Jucai Finance is very quiet today, and even the staff has dropped by half. Jiang Dong once suspected that he went to the wrong company. Fortunately, he saw Xia Xue who was holding a meeting with the staff, so he didn't go out to see the outside world. plaque.

Jiang Dong randomly found a seat in the rest area at the entrance and sat down, looking at Xia Xue who was standing in the middle of the crowd and giving a speech.

"Everyone, my mission ends here, but the mission of Jucai Finance has not stopped. Someone will arrange the transfer of Jucai Finance. Those who want to stay here and continue working can stay and wait for the arrival of the new boss. , if you don’t want to stay here, you can come to me to settle the salary.” Xia Xue’s tone was calm and her voice was sonorous, she had already begun to have the aura that a superior person should have.

To be honest, after the battle with Zhang's venture capital, Xia Xue's whole temperament has changed, she has become more aloof, and more confident. The five words "tsundere female president" can almost be used in on her.

As Xia Xue's words fell to the ground, some employees approached Xia Xue to settle their wages.

After being busy for more than half an hour, the situation of Jucai Finance finally stabilized. It was at this time that Xia Xue finally found Jiang Dong sitting at the door...

"Mr. Jiang, when did you come?" Xia Xue took the seat opposite Jiang Dong and took two glasses of mineral water.

"I'll be there when you give a speech." Jiang Dong smiled, "How is it arranged here?"

"Most of the people I looked for before joined Jucai Finance as mercenaries. After the battle with Zhang's venture capital, those people automatically terminated the contract, and the rest of them are former employees of Jucai Finance. , and the people recruited a few days ago, according to Mr. Wei You's arrangement, I will vaccinate them first, and then Mr. Wei You will take over and sell Jucai Finance..." At this point, Xia Xue paused After a pause, he continued to ask: "Mr. Jiang, what is my next job?"

"Follow me to the magic capital!" Jiang Dong said decisively: "You will be in charge of the companies and industries I will acquire in the future, and become my spokesperson in the business world."

Jiang Dong's words are not bragging at all. As long as he goes to the business district to sign in for a few days in a row, won't the company and the industry just come up with it?

And Xia Xue's ability and character have also been recognized by Jiang Dong. This kind of Bingshan Tsundere female president who is both capable and beautiful, I am afraid that even a man will not let it go easily?

"Yes!" Xia Xue didn't refute Jiang Dong, but just nodded, "I have already received the salary advanced by Mr. Jiang, and I just follow Mr. Jiang's arrangement."

"Your mother..." Jiang Dong stopped after saying two words. He thought the address was not pleasant, so he changed his expression, "How is Auntie's condition?"

"I have put all the money into the hospital's account and hired a nurse for my mother. Everything is going well. My mother's health is fine for the time being." Xia Xue said truthfully.

"That's good!" Jiang Dong stood up, "Leave this to Wei You, you go to Shanghai with me, I should also report to school."

"Okay!" Xia Xue immediately complied with Jiang Dong's request.

Returning to Shanghai is also what Xia Xue is looking forward to. After all, her mother is still in Shanghai, her friends, and her circle are also in Shanghai.

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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