Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 561 First Entrance to the Demon Capital

However, Jiang Dong's contemplation fell into Xia Xue's eyes, but his taste changed...

"What was he thinking about?"

"Are you thinking of Liu Ye?"

"Is it because I have a special place in his mind?"

"Although he is a few years younger than me, his courage, courage and brains have left me far away. I feel like a veteran in the business world in his forties or fifties. His psychological age is terrible!"

"Can't see through him!"

While Xia Xue thought to herself, she secretly glanced at Jiang Dong again.

In this way, the two fell into endless silence.

I don't know how long this silence lasted. Suddenly, Jiang Dong spoke and broke the silence.

"Is there any temple in Modu that seeks marriage, or a love expert like the one shown on TV?" Jiang Dong asked suddenly, asking such a question that completely baffled Xia Xue.

"The Town God's Temple and the Jade Buddha Temple in Shanghai are both famous for seeking marriage." Xia Xue didn't understand why Jiangdong suddenly wanted to ask for marriage, but she still said truthfully: "The Jade Buddha Temple is in the Beishan District, which is far away, and the Town God's Temple is in Xijiang. District, we will arrive in a short time after getting off the expressway."

"Then get off the expressway and go directly to Chenghuang Temple." Jiang Dong showed a satisfied smile. For today's sign-in, he chose Chenghuang Temple. I hope the system will not let him down, and he will hit it right away!

"Okay!" Xia Xue took a deep look at Jiang Dong, and even her heartbeat began to speed up inexplicably.

Liu Ye made a phone call, and then Jiang Dong suddenly changed direction. He wanted to go to the Temple of the City God, where marriage is very effective, and Xia Xue had to think about it...

"Is he really asking for marriage?"

"because I?"

"It seems possible, otherwise he wouldn't have gone too far last time..."

Xia Xue's heart began to pound wildly again.

It's not that Xia Xue is narcissistic, but that she really has this capital. 99.9% of men may not be able to refuse Xia Xue. This is her capital!

As for those women who don't look very good, but still think that they are the most beautiful in the world, and feel that all men in the world like them, they are real narcissists.

Obviously, Xia Xue doesn't belong to that kind of people, because as long as he is a man with a healthy lower body, it is indeed possible to like her...

Then, the car fell into a strange dead silence again.

Fortunately, Wucheng is only a few tens of kilometers away from Shanghai. Soon, the Mercedes-Benz G drove off the highway.

Xia Xue turned the steering wheel and headed straight for the Temple of the City God.

When he first entered the international metropolis like Magic City, Jiang Dong opened his eyes naturally, and kept watching everything here through the car window.

Although Jiangdong is now located in the Xijiang district in the west of the magic city, and there is still a certain distance from the several major districts in the east, this is the magic city after all...

It is no exaggeration to say that if the prosperity of Wucheng is compared to 1, then Xijiang District is at least as prosperous as Wucheng. It's a 6 or 7!


That's such a big gap!

Spacious roads, luxury cars everywhere, and skyscrapers can be seen everywhere, all of which highlight the prosperity here!

"This is the magic city..." Jiang Dong murmured to himself.

Here, it will be the foundation of Jiangdong's future development. He has to take seriously this international metropolis that is separated by a line between heaven and hell!

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