Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 562 Both men and women are acceptable, it is extremely scary to think carefully (Part 1)

Xia Xue is familiar with the driving of the Mercedes-Benz G. Fortunately, it is not the rush hour for commuting, and the traffic is not particularly congested.

An hour later, when the time came to ten o'clock in the morning, Xia Xue finally parked the car in the parking lot of Chenghuang Temple.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the Marriage Tree in Town God's Temple. Men and women who seek marriage will go to the Marriage Tree to make wishes." Xia Xue got out of the car, turned her head and said to Jiang Dong.

Although Xia Xue didn't know why Jiang Dong came to Chenghuang Temple, she knew that Jiang Dong must have come to seek marriage, so visiting the Marriage Tree was an essential link.

"Okay!" Jiang Dong didn't talk nonsense, and followed Xia Xue directly towards the City God Temple.

Town God's Temple is a national-level 4A scenic spot in Shanghai, and there must be a lot of tourists coming and going, especially at the end of the summer vacation at the end of August, it is very lively.

Although there were enough tourists here, Jiang Dong and Xia Xue walked into the Town God's Temple effortlessly, not because of anything else, but because Xia Xue was so beautiful, it was simply a scenic spot for walking, who wouldn't take the initiative to give way?

There were still a few men who wanted to strike up a conversation, but when they saw Xia Xue's Patek Philippe watch and the Mercedes-Benz car keys in her hand, they all retreated.

That's good, it saves a lot of trouble.

Soon, Jiang Dong followed Xia Xue into the central area of ​​the Town God's Temple. Xia Xue didn't take Jiang Dong to visit the main halls here, because Xia Xue knew that it was completely unnecessary.

"This is the Marriage Tree." Xia Xue pointed to a thick ginkgo tree surrounded by guardrails.

Jiang Dong followed the trend and saw a ginkgo tree, thick enough to be surrounded by several adults, standing on the ground.

The light brown tree trunks have been eroded for more than ten years, even decades, and still show mottled traces.

The luxuriant branches and leaves that cover the sky and the sun even block the scorching sun in the sky. The leaves that have begun to turn yellow, under the reflection of the sun, show a different kind of aura of gold and nobility.

"It's beautiful." Jiang Dong sighed sincerely.

"Are you asking for marriage? That can start!" Xia Xue's voice was very cold, but there was a hint of curiosity and tremor in her tone.

Jiang Dong didn't answer, the so-called begging for marriage, he begging for a fart!

Just like the famous saying, as long as you have money, you will be destined for everyone!

Is Jiangdong rich?

there must be!

In time, he could become the richest man in Dragon Country, or even the richest man in the world!

And this time he came to Town God's Temple to find the Marriage Tree, mainly for the purpose of signing in...

"Confirm sign-in!" Jiang Dong called out the system light curtain and prayed silently in his heart, "Be sure to hit it right away!"

"Sign in successfully!"

"Today's sign-in location is the Marriage Tree of the Town God's Temple."

"The system is screening the seckill categories..."

"Interpersonal relationship compass, today's flash sale special price, 19.9 yuan Longguo currency!"

"The host has a compass for interpersonal relationships. You can write the name of the target person on the compass, and the compass will spy on the host according to the target person's favorability with the host."

"Below 50 points, it is an enemy relationship. The lower the score, the worse the relationship."

"50 points - 60 points, for the relationship with strangers."

"60-70 points, for ordinary friendship."

"Scores of 70-80 are close friends."

"80-90 points, for the confidant relationship."

"90 points - 95 points, if the target person is a woman, it is above Friendship, but not a lover, if the target person is a man, it is a close friend."

"Above 95 points, willingly dedicate everything, pay attention, both men and women are welcome."

"Is the host instant kill?"

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