Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 563 Both men and women are acceptable, it is extremely scary to think carefully (Part 2)

The moment the system notification sound landed, Jiang Dong couldn't help shivering.

Lying grass!

More than 95 points, both men and women can apply?

To kill?

Is it too frightening to think carefully?

Having said that, Jiang Dong's prayers were effective, and Chenghuang Temple was not in vain. He really signed a very good prop!

"Confirm the instant kill!" Jiang Dong chose to confirm without hesitation, and quietly stuffed twenty yuan into the system light curtain.

With another wave of his hand, Jiang Dong had an extra disc pointer similar to a pocket watch, and there was a place to write his name on the back. This is the prop obtained by signing in today, the compass for interpersonal relationships!

It is worth mentioning that after signing in today, Jiang Dong has ten yuan left from his own hard-earned money... It seems that tomorrow is another day of hard work!

"Let's go!" Jiang Dong had already achieved his goal, so he stopped staying and directly called Xia Xue to leave.

However, the moment Jiang Dong turned around, he accidentally collided with a beautiful figure...

"Ouch!" A beautiful female voice came into Jiang Dong's ears, and immediately after that, the beautiful figure fell to the ground.

"Uh! Sorry! Are you okay?" Jiang Dong hurriedly looked in the direction where the man fell.

The man was wearing a pure white dress, with two white and tender lotus root jade arms exposed to the air, long waterfall-like hair casually draped over his shoulders, with delicate features and a good face, according to Jiangdong's aesthetics, he looked about 85 points , can be called one in a thousand beauties.

It's a pity that 99% of the women in the world stand in front of Xia Xue, and they can only be taken for a second!

"It's okay!" The girl who was knocked down by Jiang Dong frowned, finally struggled to stand up, and waved Jiang Dong generously, "Just be careful in the future, it's not good to hit someone else."

The girl spoke softly, and Jiang Dong sounded very comfortable.

"Your leg seems to be swollen..." Jiang Dong pointed to the girl's smooth ankle, and said embarrassedly, "How about I pay you some medical expenses?"

"No need!" The girl smiled, hesitated for a moment, then lightly frowned and said, "If it's convenient, can you please take me to the bus stop outside the scenic spot? The taxi here is too expensive! I seem to be a bit uncomfortable walking. convenient!"

After finishing speaking, the girl tried to move her ankle, and Liu's eyebrows frowned even tighter.

"Where are you going? I'll take you back directly! After all, I was the one who was wrong first!" Jiang Dong was fully responsible, and the girl's proposal was reasonable, Jiang Dong was embarrassed to refuse, and made a favor by the way.

"No, no, no!" The girl waved her hands again and again, "Just take me to the bus stop! By the way, my name is Xia Mumu!"

"Hello! My name is Jiang Dong!" Jiang Dong smiled, turned to Xia Xue and said, "I'm from the same family as you, please help me, it's not convenient for me."

"Okay!" Xia Xue's expression was as cold as ever, but there was an imperceptible disgust in her eyes, which even Jiang Dong didn't notice.

This episode disrupted Jiang Dong's idea of ​​using Xia Xue for the test.

Afterwards, the three of them walked out of the Town God's Temple and went to the parking lot outside.

When Xia Mumu saw the big Mercedes-Benz G, he couldn't help exclaiming, "Wow! Is this your car?"

"My friend!" Jiang Dong didn't say anything more, and got into the co-pilot on his own.

After Xia Xue helped Xia Mumu to the back seat, she also got into the main driver.

The car started and drove towards the outside of the scenic spot...

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