In the car, Jiang Dong was leaning on the seat and swiping his phone boredly, Xia Xue was driving seriously, but Xia Mumu was always sneaking glances at Jiang Dong from time to time.

"This...Mr.!" Xia Mumu finally decided to call Jiang Dong by the title "Sir".

"What's wrong?" Jiang Dong raised his head, glanced at Xia Mumu out of the corner of his eye, and asked casually.

"Seeing that you are not very old, are you a student?" Xia Mumu asked.

Jiang Dong: "That's right! I'm a freshman of this year's School of Economics!"

"Ah?" Xia Mumu stared at her beautiful eyes for an instant, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Are you a freshman of the Shanghai School of Economics?"

"Uh... is there a problem?" Jiang Dong was a little puzzled.

"No..." Xia Mumu waved his hands again and again, and couldn't help raising his smiling face, "I'm just sighing, it's really a coincidence, I'm also a student of Shanghai Economics College, and I'm a junior this year!"

"That's really a coincidence!" Jiang Dong couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect to go to the Temple of the City God and sign in. He even ran into an alumnus, and she was also a beautiful senior. What a coincidence.

"So, you are a junior!" Xia Mumujiao laughed, "Have you reported it? Feel free to ask me if you don't understand anything, and you can come to me if you have any difficulties. I am the student union... "

Before Xia Mumu finished speaking, the Mercedes-Benz G made a screeching brake sound and stopped immediately.

Xia Xue stopped suddenly and choked back the second half of Xia Mumu's words.

Before Xia Mumu could react, Xia Xue said directly, "The bus stop is here."

Xia Xue's tone was very cold, not only did she have a gesture of not allowing strangers to enter, but she also showed that she didn't want to have a second sentence with Xia Mumu. To put it bluntly, she was driving Xia Mumu to get off the car!

As for what Jiang Dong said before, to send her to her destination, even though Xia Mumu had already said that she and Jiang Dong were alumni of the same school, Xia Xue didn't show any face, and was directly driven to the bus station by others... Yes, Xia Mumu just now Haven't you been asking to go to the bus station?

Jiang Dong looked at Xia Xue curiously and unexpectedly, his eyes full of playfulness.

And Xia Mumu smiled awkwardly, and then said to Jiang Dong: "Then, junior, I'll get out of the car first, you and your girlfriend must have something to do, right?"

Jiang Dong didn't answer Xia Mumu, but continued to watch Xia Xue laughing playfully.



"It's something!" As for Xia Xue, she didn't even refute Xia Mumu's words, but said these two words coldly.

"Then, junior, when you get to school, come to me if you need anything!" Xia Mumu is a perceptive person, she naturally saw Xia Xue's displeasure, and she was also very sensible, so she didn't continue to entangle, just talked to Jiang Dong Individuals, they slowly got out of the car.

Just as Xia Mumu stood firm and closed the car door, Xia Xue kicked the accelerator, and the Mercedes-Benz G rushed out, and disappeared on the road in a blink of an eye...

inside the car.

Xia Xue had a cold face, while Jiang Dong rested his chin on his hands, looking at her with a half-smile.

"If I understand correctly, were you jealous just now?" Jiang Dong broke the silence first, and asked Xia Xue in a teasing tone.

"No!" Xia Xue's answer was firm.

"Then why don't you deny her? She just said that you are my girlfriend?" Jiang Dong continued to tease.

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