"I'm too lazy to explain, can't I?" Xia Xue looked cold, but what she said was like a child's anger, with a special flavor, Jiang Dong couldn't help but chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" Xia Xueliu frowned slightly.

"Laugh, you won't lie!" Jiang Dong lost control and laughed loudly, "A woman like you, if you don't want to, will never be said to be my girlfriend and don't refute it. What was that thing called before? You called Xiaoxue, and you scolded me bloody."

What Jiang Dong said is true, Xia Xue will never be ambiguous about such a matter of reputation.

However, she didn't refute Xia Mumu's words, which is very intriguing.

Xia Xue glanced at Jiang Dong. Although her face was still icy cold, the strange look in her eyes did not escape Jiang Dong's capture...

"Are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid?" Xia Xue said to Jiang Dong sullenly: "You are such a smart person, can't you see it? She is deliberately seducing you!"

"Is something wrong? I really didn't see it!" Jiang Dong exclaimed, although the performance was a bit exaggerated, but he really didn't see it, "You analyze and analyze, let me hear how she seduces me? Never Are you attracted by my appearance and charm?"

"Shameless! What does your appearance and charm have to do with you?" Xia Xue glared at Jiang Dong, and said angrily: "Most women see your Dior outfit, plus the obvious value of the piece on your wrist All expensive watches will be attracted, okay?"

"It's the truth, I ignored it!" Jiang Dong suddenly realized that he was only concerned about signing in before, and he really didn't pay attention to these details.

"And me, the watch on my wrist, the car keys in my hand, and I am always standing behind you, any woman with a sense of purpose can tell that I am your follower..." Xia Xue continued Said: "So, in the face of young and promising people like you, most women can't resist at all!"

"What about you?" Jiang Dong asked suddenly.

"Don't talk about me first!" Xia Xue panicked, and quickly changed the topic. It seemed that after she opened the chat box, she talked more, "After she got in the car, she started to inquire about your situation. Coincidentally, you really The one belonged to a school! Then what did she do? She never mentioned anything about the station, she made it clear that she wanted me to send her back to school, and it would be best if she could get rid of me and be alone with you!"

"That's what you said, it's true!" Jiang Dong nodded seriously, "So, what's the name of that one just now? Is your senior sister a scheming girl? Or a master of tea art?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't admit that I don't belong to my family!" Xia Xue curled her lips, as if she looked down on Xia Mumu.

"Then, let's continue the topic just now!" Jiang Dong changed the subject, and suddenly laughed evilly, "Why didn't you refute her?"

"I..." Xia Xue was at a loss for words for a moment, and after a long while, she managed to find an excuse, "I'm afraid you will be cheated!"

"Then I really want to thank you!" Jiang Dong pouted, obviously, he didn't believe it.

Afterwards, Xia Xue stopped talking, and Jiang Dong didn't intend to continue teasing Xia Xue, so he simply took out the interpersonal compass from the system package.

With a thought, Xia Xue's name appeared on the back of the compass.

Then, the pointer piece on the compass directly reached the position of 90 minutes... an embarrassing 90 minutes!

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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