Everyone around looked at the scene in front of them, and felt their throats were dry, and wanted to roar out, but they couldn't make a sound for some reason.

As for Jiang Dong, he didn't even look at Li Yang who was kneeling in front of him and confessed his mistake. He directly bypassed the group of Li Yang and Han Ming and walked towards the cafeteria.

Xu Yangguang waited for the three of them to realize it later, and after realizing it, they immediately caught up with Jiangdong...

"Dong Ge Niubi!"

"Brother Dong is mighty!"

The surprised duo has adapted to their roles, and with Jiang Dong, they seem to be only surprised, and they don't even have a chance to call 666.

"Still saying you didn't do it?" Xu Yangguang looked at Jiangdong with a smirk.

"I really don't know what's going on." Jiang Dong was very helpless, "Okay! Let's eat first, and we have to do military training later!"

He didn't lie, he just sent a prestige letter to Zheng Yi last night to scare the few people outside Datang Hot Pot Restaurant. Anyway, Zheng Yi is close. As for what will happen next, Jiang Dong really doesn't know.

Jiangdong and his party went to the cafeteria. Due to time constraints, the four simply padded their stomachs and went to the playground.

Taking the class as the unit, in a horizontal and vertical manner, countless large and small squares are arranged on the playground. Looking around, it is a piece of army green, so spectacular.

Soon, the four from Jiangdong returned to the team, and all members of the first class of mine management were present.

Although there were twenty-eight students in the class, there was only one girl, Xu Mengmeng. In desperation, the young instructor had no choice but to put Xu Mengmeng into the first row of the square formation, standing with the thin He Lin .

As for the three of Jiangdong, they were basically the highest in the class, so they naturally stood in the last row.

"Everyone, I am your instructor. You can call me Instructor Chen. I hope that we can get along well in the next half month!" Instructor Chen is not tall, but he is full of spirit. He is worthy of being an iron-blooded soldier. .

"Yes!" The classmate of mine management class 1 yelled weakly.

"The voice is too low! Shout again!" Instructor Chen shouted.

"Yes!" This time, the students in Class 1 of Mine Management shouted with all their strength, with a lot of momentum.

"Very good! The military training has officially started!" Instructor Chen stood upright like a pine tree. Although he was not tall, he gave people a feeling of being upright.

To be honest, compared with this group of students of similar age, instructor Chen is absolutely crushing in terms of temperament and momentum!

The whole morning, the content of the military training revolved around standing in the military posture. Although this is the foundation of the foundation, it is miserable for this group of freshmen.

Facing the scorching sun, wearing thick military training uniforms, and maintaining a standing posture, it really put a layer of shackles on this group of college students who are used to activities...

However, Jiang Dong really likes this kind of atmosphere. Although he has the system, he can see a wider world, but in his heart, he is still a college student who has just entered the university campus and is curious about everything.

Soon, the morning military training was over, and the students of mine management class 1 dragged their tired bodies and walked slowly towards the cafeteria. Jiang Dong, a small group of four, was also among the crowd.

"Brother Dong, what are you thinking?" Xu Yangguang poked Jiangdong profusely in sweat.

"It's okay." Although Jiang Dong was also sweating, he was not as tired as Xu Yangguang and the others. After all, Jiang Dong's body had been transformed by the system once, and this level of training was not enough to make him feel uncomfortable.

As for what Jiang Dong was thinking, it was very simple. He was thinking about where to get a job and earn some money.

He hasn't signed in yet, the point is, he has no money to sign in!

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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