Magic City School of Economics, cafeteria.

Xu Yangguang was the host, and invited the small group to have a small stir-fry with four dishes and one soup in the cafeteria.

Coincidentally, Xu Mengmeng was sitting not far away, eating alone.

"Sunshine, why don't you join us for a table?" Jiang Dong smiled and raised his head towards Xu Mengmeng's petite back.

"I think it's better to take it step by step. It was too high-profile before, and people haven't approved my friend application now!" Xu Yangguang said with a little downcast.

"Look, the little girl herself only ordered four dishes and one soup. You invited us all to dinner and only ordered four dishes and one soup. It's not sincere!" Jiang Dong twitched.

"You don't know that, do you?" Xu Yangguang said with a mysterious smile: "Think about it, she is a little girl who majored in mining management and is from Xishan Province. There must be a mine at home, otherwise she would be alone. Eat four dishes and one soup?"

"Your analysis makes some sense!" Jiang Dong blinked, and couldn't help laughing, "I can't tell, your brain is quite bright!"

"Small idea!" Xu Yangguang was not humble at all, and turned on the philosophy master mode again, "According to my analysis, since her family has a mine, her boyfriend must not be an ordinary person, and only a rich second generation like me can get along well with her." !"


"Xu Shao Niubi!"

The surprised duo finally waited for the opportunity to call 666.

The four people in Jiangdong were chatting and laughing while eating, and after a while, Xu Mengmeng finished eating first, and they watched Xu Mengmeng leave. From the beginning to the end, Xu Mengmeng didn't even look at Xu Yangguang's side. It made Xu Yangguang quite a bit disappointed.

After eating, the three of Xu Yangguang planned to rest in the dormitory. After all, there were still about two hours before the military training started in the afternoon.

Jiang Dong bid farewell to the three of them and walked out of the campus alone.

He intends to look for a job. After all, today's check-in has not yet been signed, so the opportunity should not be wasted.

Walking and walking, Jiang Dong came to the hot pot restaurant in the lobby where he had dinner last night. Although it was a hot noon, the hot pot restaurant in the lobby was still full of people.

A young man wearing long clothes and trousers, about twenty-seven or eight years old, was squatting at the door of Datang Hot Pot Restaurant, smoking a cigarette. Seeing Jiang Dong standing at the door, he couldn't help asking: "Little brother, how about dinner?" ? Inside please!"

"Uh..." Jiang Dong blinked, staring curiously at the young man in long clothes and trousers staring at the hot sun, "I don't eat, I just look around."

"There's nothing to see in the hot pot restaurant!" The young man's sharp-edged face showed a ruffian smile, and he handed Jiang Dong a cigarette, "I'm the boss here, Tang Hao, everyone calls me Hao elder brother."

"I don't smoke." Jiang Dong smiled and waved his hands, "Brother Hao is the boss here? Then do you recruit people here? Part-time workers!"

"Seeing that you have an unusual temperament, you must not be an ordinary person. Why do you think of working?" Tang Hao looked at Jiangdong with interest.

One can see through Jiangdong's extraordinaryness at a glance. This Tang Hao is also a man with a story, especially his deep eyes, as if he can see through the fireworks in the world.

"Just think of me as an experience of life!" Jiang Dong smiled, "How is it? Brother Hao? Do you want to hire me as a part-time worker? Come to help at noon or at night. During the military training period, you can only come for two hours a day!"

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