Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 619 Misfortune Card, Invincible (Part 2)

Li Yu: "Lying in the grass! Is it true? Could it be Meng Yao..."

Qiao Qi: "Could it be that Meng Yao doesn't know, anyway, Meng Yao must be infected now, and there is no way to track it down, so Yu Shao vented his anger on Meng Yao and beat Meng Yao to the hospital. I heard that the injury was serious!"

Li Yu: "Oh my god! There is such a thing? Has Yu Shao been possessed by the God of Plague recently? Ever since he was at the Oriental Bar last night, I feel that his luck has become very bad!"

Qiao Qi: "The one with the worst luck is still Meng Yao. She won't be able to leave the hospital within three to two months. Even if she is discharged, she may have no face to go back to school. She probably will drop out of school directly."

The chat history between Li Yu and Qiao Qi ends here. As for what the two daughters will talk about in the future, Jiang Dong doesn't care at all, and he doesn't even want to know. What he is most interested in now is the situation of the young girl...

"Hehe...haha...hahahaha..." Xu Yangguang didn't hold back, and sat down on the ground, laughing out loud, even tears.

Xu Yangguang smirked like a fool, and immediately interrupted Instructor Chen's lecture. The whole class also cast puzzled and curious looks at Xu Yangguang. Sunshine smiles hotter than the sun...

"Pay attention to your image." Jiang Dong kicked Xu Yangguang, but he had no one to live in, so he laughed out loud.

"I'll try my best...hahaha..." Xu Yangguang couldn't hold back at all!

Which one is less infected?

It's so funny!

Such an arrogant guy, but in the end he encountered the most embarrassing thing in the second generation circle of Shanghai!

In fact, this kind of thing is not only in the second-generation circle in Shanghai, but in any region, the second-generation circle is ashamed of this kind of thing.

It's okay to play, and it's also okay to play blindly, but it's very low-level to play with fire and burn yourself. The second generation and their respective families and forces all value face.

Otherwise, if you taste it carefully, which second generation has been exposed to be infected with this disease?

Xu Yangguang seemed to have seen the fate of the young man...

Rejected by the second-generation circle in Shanghai, becoming a laughing stock in the second-generation circle, Ren did not want to contact him, and might even isolate him directly!

This is much better than beating him hard!

"That... Instructor, this guy's stomach is not feeling well, let me accompany him to the infirmary!" Without saying a word, Jiang Dong dragged Xu Yangguang to the infirmary.

"Instructor, I'm also feeling a little sick, and I want to go to the infirmary!" Xu Mengmeng glanced at Jiang Dong and Xu Yangguang who were leaving, and asked instructor Chen for leave.

Instructor Chen didn't look at the three of them at all, and waved his hands directly, allowing them to leave.

After the three of Jiang Dong left, the scene suddenly quieted down, and instructor Chen could finally continue teaching his method of stacking quilts with tofu cubes.

Xu Yangguang was still smiling, as if suffering from epilepsy.

Jiang Dong also wanted to laugh, but the astonishment in his heart was far greater than the joke provided by the little one.

"This bad luck card, isn't it awesome? It's only been twelve hours, and that Yu Zihao has already fallen into this situation. I really doubt whether he can survive twenty-four hours! Although the bad luck Card has explained that it won't cause death or disability, but that guy doesn't seem to be sure?" Jiang Dong secretly lamented the invincibility of the Misfortune Card in his heart.

You know, this is only a bad luck card for elite level 1!

A higher-level doom card will obviously be more invincible!

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