On the other side, Xu Mengmeng quickly caught up with Jiang Dong and Xu Yangguang.

"You two! Wait for me!" Xu Mengmeng called softly behind him, Jiang Dong and Xu Yangguang immediately stopped and waited for Xu Mengmeng in place.

"What I show you, you must never spread it outside, you know?" Xu Mengmeng said to Jiang Dong and Xu Yangguang very seriously.

"Don't worry! Puff haha!" Xu Yangguang covered his stomach, "Even Li Yu and Qiao Qi know about this, there is no need for us to spread it to the outside world. I guess the second-generation circle in Shanghai should know about it!"

"Careless in making friends!" Jiang Dong grinned.

Jiang Dong was very satisfied with Yu Zihao's end, as to whether he could survive the twenty-four hours, that was out of Jiang Dong's consideration.

Xu Yangguang: "Brother Dong, if you have such a thing in the future, I will definitely keep it a secret!"

Jiang Dong: "Get lost!"

"You two! That's enough!" Xu Mengmeng glared at the two with a blushing face.

Jiang Dong and Xu Yangguang immediately restrained their smirks, and promised Xu Mengmeng that they would not spread the word.

Xu Mengmeng waved her hand, her pair of beautiful eyes were full of doubts, and her eyes kept scanning Jiang Dong and Xu Yangguang.

"Mengmeng, what are you looking at? Are there flowers on our faces?" Xu Yangguang touched his face and looked at Xu Mengmeng suspiciously.

"I suspected you were the monitor before, but now, I think you're better!" Xu Mengmeng frowned and stared at Xu Yangguang.

"What are you talking about?" Xu Yangguang didn't understand what Xu Mengmeng was saying at all.

"The matter of Yu Zihao has already spread throughout the small circle in Shanghai!" Xu Mengmeng shook the phone at the two of them, "My friends in Shanghai have already asked me if there is a A guy named Yu Zihao!"

Jiang Dong and Xu Yangguang looked at each other, but they still didn't understand what Xu Mengmeng wanted to express.

"At first, I thought this was a trap set by the class leader for Yu Zihao, but after careful consideration, I think it's definitely a coincidence, because the class leader can't possibly know which woman has that disease..." Speaking of which, Xu Mengmeng said Her pretty face turned even redder, like a ripe peach.

"Yes! This is a coincidence, and it has nothing to do with me!" Jiang Dong spread his hands, and said innocently: "How could I know that the woman was sick? And sent it to Yu Zihao's bed? Besides, last night, I and Yu Zihao This is Zihao's first meeting!"

"So, I suspect that the person who intentionally spread this news is the squad leader. The squad leader wanted to discredit Yu Zihao, and happened to have such a great opportunity..." Xu Mengmeng stopped suddenly after speaking halfway. , and his eyes were directly locked on Xu Yangguang, "But after hearing what Xu Yangguang said just now, I suddenly felt that Xu Yangguang should have known the news in advance and spread it on purpose!"


Jiang Dong and Xu Yangguang looked at each other, and both of them could read helpless emotions from each other's eyes.

"I have to say, the brain circuit of a beautiful woman is unconstrained!" Xu Yangguang said helplessly: "If you didn't show me the chat history, I still don't know about Yu Zihao! As for spreading the news, then It's even more impossible! There's also Yu Zihao, I have no grievances with him, so what are you doing? Besides, Yu Zihao's old man is a member of the government, so what good is it for me to smear him and frame him? Is it? My family is a businessman, how can I do such a thing that is harmful but not beneficial?"

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