"Then let's do this first..." Jiang Dong stood up and was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something, so he sat down and said, "Tonight's Hongmen Banquet is up to you, so I won't go."

"Eh? Brother Dong isn't going?" Zheng Yi looked at Jiang Dong unexpectedly.

"No!" Jiang Dong shook his head, "I still won't stand up, after all, I'm a college student now, and it's not convenient to come forward for many things. When you can't figure it out, come to me again!"

After Wu Cheng's series of conspiracies and schemes, Jiang Dong became more mature than before. He knew that the first step in wanting to gain the initiative was to make the enemy unable to see through him and push Zheng Yi and Xu Yang to the fore. , Jiangdong can safely strategize behind the scenes, and give the enemy a fatal blow at the right time!

"It makes sense..." Zheng Yi didn't dare to say anything, so he could only follow Jiang Dong's words.

"Just call me if you have anything to do. By the way, Ah Yi, prepare dinner and eat here. We haven't eaten together for a long time." Jiang Dong stood up while talking.

"Brother Dong, aren't we going to a banquet tonight?" Zheng Yi asked in a daze.

"There is no good banquet, do you really think that you are going to dinner tonight? They have made it clear that they are going to choose the Oriental Bar! Let you talk, if you can talk for ten rounds and don't fight, I will lose!" Jiang Dong planned. Looking at Zheng Yi with a smile on his face.

"It seems that there is some reason?" Zheng Yi scratched his head, and then shouted at Ale: "Call someone! Prepare to fight that wild donkey tonight!"

Jiang Dong shook his head, smiled helplessly, and blinked at Xu Yang, before walking towards the second floor of the bar.

Xu Yang understood immediately, arranged for Wang Laowu to prepare dinner, and quickly caught up with Jiang Dong.

"Brother Dong, what are your orders?" Xu Yang asked in a low voice.

"How's the investigation on the key?" Jiang Dong went straight to the point.

Jiang Qitian's relic, that is, the key, has always been a cloud of doubt entangled in Jiang Dong's heart. If this confusion cannot be solved, Jiang Dong will not even be able to sleep comfortably.

"Brother Dong, I'm still investigating, and I don't have any clues yet." Xu Yang said dejectedly.

"You don't have to blame yourself, I know, this is not a simple matter." Jiang Dong stopped, patted Xu Yang on the shoulder, and comforted: "Continue to investigate!"

"it is good!"

"By the way! How is Zhang's Venture Capital?"

"Bankrupt, Zhang Cheng and his son ran away with money. Zhang Yue seems to be living in her fiancé's house. I didn't investigate the details too carefully. If Brother Dong is interested, I'll investigate right away!"

"Go! Zhang Yue's fiancé's family, check it out for me!" Jiang Dong narrowed his eyes, with a cold light shining in them.

Zhang Yue, Chen Chen, including Shen Xiuying, these people Jiang Dong would not let go easily.

In addition to this group of people, the enemies of Zheng Yi and the others in Shanghai, as well as Yu's family, Hei Mao and Shen Ding who were about to attack the Oriental Bar, these people are Jiangdong's enemies!

However, Jiangdong's current priority is to gain a firm foothold in Shanghai.

This kind of thing is easy to say, but it is very difficult to do. At least, Jiangdong is not stable now, and the only base is still being targeted by the Yu family and the wild donkey.

Not to mention the Yu family, the energy in Nanxian District can definitely be ranked in the top ten, but this kind of family Jiangdong can't use Taijianghu's methods to deal with it, it can be called Jiangdong's number one problem today!

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